The proposal is for Alcoa’s bauxite mining activities on the Darling Range in the southwest of Western Australia spanning the years 2023 to 2027. These activities occur within Alcoa’s Mineral Lease 1SA (ML1SA) and are documented in annual rolling five-year Mining and Management Programs (MMPs) required under a State Agreement Act framework.
A 2023-27 MMP has not yet been approved through the State Agreement Act framework but activities are still proposed to be undertaken during this time, and will include mining at Huntly and Willowdale mines, located approximately 70 km and 110 km south of Perth respectively. The proposal includes, but is not limited to:
Clearing of native vegetation
Establishment of haul roads and other infrastructure and use of existing infrastructure
Operations associated with the mining, crushing and screening of bauxite ore
Transport of ore including by conveyor
Exploration activities
Rehabilitation activities
For clarity, the proposal does not include processing of bauxite ore to alumina which occurs at the Pinjarra, Wagerup and Kwinana refineries subject to separate regulatory instruments approved under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act).
Section 38B of the EP Act provides that a proposal cannot be referred to the EPA more than once. In considering this referral, The EPA has undertaken investigations and enquiries to identify whether the proposal has been previously referred to the EPA, and notes that the proposal constitutes areas and activities that have been found to be not previously referred.
Note: The EPA has now determined to assess the valid referred portion of the proposal. Further information including a description of the valid referred portion can be found in the EPA’s Public Advice published under “2. Decision on whether to assess this proposal”.