Stakeholder engagement

As part of its ongoing commitment to stakeholder engagement, the EPA conducts site visits, forums, invites public submissions on assessments and regularly meets with its Stakeholder Reference Group.

Site visits are an opportunity for the EPA to gain a first-hand appreciation of the environmental setting and constraints of proposals, to listen to community concerns, and to discuss aspects of proposals in the field with subject matter experts, leading to more informed environmental advice being provided to the Minister for Environment.

Providing opportunities for public participation is an integral part of environmental impact assessment and developing sound environmental protection policies in Western Australia. The EPA publishes all documents open for public comment on its consultation hub at and prefers submissions to be made through the hub.

Stakeholder Engagement Plan

The EPA’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan sets out proponent roles and responsibilities during environmental impact assessment (EIA).

Providing effective, efficient and genuine opportunities for public participation in matters of environmental protection is an integral part of EPA environmental impact assessment and environmental protection policy development.

Stakeholder engagement is not a statutory requirement, however the EPA considers it a key part of its operations because it ensures requirements are effectively and inclusively communicated to proponents and the community.

These processes also give regard to the Minister for Environment’s Statement of Expectation.

Stakeholder Reference Group

The EPA established a Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) as an effective means of consultation with key stakeholders and peak industry bodies. The SRG currently meets quarterly to provide input to the EPA on matters of policy, process and performance, including implementation of the review of EIA process.

The core membership of the SRG is:

Conservation, health & water

Conservation Council of WA
World Wildlife Fund
The Wilderness Society
Environmental Defenders Office
Environmental Institute of Australia & New Zealand


Urban Development Institute of Australia

Resources Industry

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies
Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Chamber of Minerals and Energy


Pastoralists & Graziers Association of WA

The membership may also include individuals invited at the request of the Chair of the EPA who have relevant experience in environmental protection and related matters.

Sub-groups may also be formed over time to deal with specific issues as they arise.