Evaluation reports

The EPA has established an ongoing program to undertake a rigorous evaluation of outcomes associated with its decisions. The evaluation program focusses on three theme areas:

  1. the effectiveness of the environmental impact assessment process in predicting and managing the environmental impact of proposals and schemes;
  2. the effectiveness of the guidelines and strategic advice provided by the EPA in influencing decisions and environmental outcomes; and
  3. the on-ground environmental outcomes that are achieved after implementation of proposals and/or schemes.

The EPA will establish new evaluation projects each year, and use the outcomes of each of the projects to improve its approach to environmental impact assessment and the provision of advice.

This report outlines the EPA's evaluation of Weeli Wolli Creek to better understand the environmental outcomes achieved since mining began in the catchment.

The Weeli Wolli Creek system has high environmental value and the catchment contains extensive iron ore deposits. Activities from operating mines have the potential to place pressure on the creek and cause cumulative impacts.

The evaluation focused on the area surrounding Weeli Wolli Spring and the EPA's environmental factors of Hydrological Processes and Flora and Vegetation. The EPA reviewed and analysed a range of information which included EPA assessment reports, documentation supplied by proponents, site visits, and analysing climate and water data.

From the evaluation, the EPA has concluded that the Environmental Impact Assessment process has been effective in predicting impacts to this stage of mining development and management measures appear to have been effective. Overall the Weeli Wolli Creek system has largely responded as predicted.

The EPA will use findings from the evaluation project to inform and guide its processes as part of its ongoing commitment to continuous improvement.

Published: February 19, 2018 Download: Evaluating the environmental condition of Weeli Wolli Creek (PDF, 2.31 MB), Evaluating the environmental condition of Weeli Wolli Creek: Supporting technical report (PDF, 5.97 MB)

This report outlines the methodology and key findings of an evaluation into the effectiveness of advice issued under section 48A of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act).

When the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) decides not to assess a referred scheme or scheme amendment (described collectively as ‘schemes’) under section 48A, it may provide advice to the responsible authority about environmental issues and management.

Seven local schemes referred to the EPA in the past five years (between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2015), and four region scheme amendments referred in the past ten years (between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2015) were evaluated.

Case information from internal files was reviewed and collected from discussions with Department of Planning (DoP) and local government. Advice considered to be impractical was also reviewed as a practice-improvement measure.

Published: October 12, 2016 Download: Download the s48A advice evaluation report (PDF, 703.19 KB)

This report outlines the methodology and key findings of an evaluation into the effectiveness of public advice issued under section 39A of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act).

When the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) decides not to assess a proposal referred under section 38, it may provide to any person or authority advice about the environmental aspects of the proposal under section 39A.

Over the past decade the EPA has given public advice for approximately 300 proposals. Of these, six were chosen for this evaluation project based on a prescribed selection process. The proposals selected included a sample from a variety of industry groups and geographical regions in Western Australia.

A qualitative evaluation methodology was applied, which included: desktop analysis of information held by the EPA; public information and reports obtained from the proponent and decision making authorities (DMAs); proponent and DMA interviews; and site visits.

Each proposal evaluated was measured against five criteria: proponent awareness of the public advice issued by the EPA; application of the public advice by the proponent; application of the public advice by relevant DMAs; the appropriateness of the public advice in relation to the environmental outcomes sought; and an analysis of the effectiveness of the public advice in achieving environmental outcomes.

Published: October 12, 2016 Download: Download the s38 public advice evaluation report here (PDF, 359.1 KB)