Post assessment forms

These forms are specific to implementation and post assessment functions.

For templates, forms and instructions for stages of EIA of proposals and schemes from referral to report release click here.

The Environment Online knowledge base provides guidance on how to input information into Environment Online consistent with the EPA’s instructions and templates. Supplementary guidance will be provided over time as we better understand what additional guidance is needed to facilitate Environment Online.

Environment Online is the preferred entry point for referrals and associated applications under part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

If you are unable or do not wish to use Environment Online, you can still submit applications and assessment information in other ways, including over the counter, by mail and email.

Please contact Environment Online for more information.

As of March 30, 2020 the submissions process for IBSA data packages has changed, please refer to the instructions below.

These instructions are to assist proponents in preparing and submitting online Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessments (IBSA) data packages, as part of the assessment process under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

For further information about IBSA and the portal, visit the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s website.

To assist proponents in preparing Index of Marine Surveys for Assessments (IMSA) data packages, to accompany marine survey reports submitted to support assessments under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

For further information about IMSA and the portal, visit the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s website.

Please note that there are upcoming changes planned for spatial data that is submitted from you to IMSA. To align with the National Measurement Act, IMSA is moving towards requiring all spatial data submissions to be in the GDA2020 datum. This change is anticipated to be completed and confirmed by the 1st of March 2022. Throughout this interim period, you will find that IMSA instructions and templates will be progressively updated to reflect GDA2020, but with an intent to continue to support the GDA1994 datum until further notice.


IMSA Metadata Report Template (TXT, 4.11 KB) 
IMSA Field Names (XLSX, 19.41 KB)

These instructions are provided to assist proponents to prepare Impact Reconciliation Procedures (IRP) and Impact Reconciliation Reports (IRR) submitted under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Proponents are encouraged to submit IRPs at referral, noting they must be provided during an assessment by the EPA, or otherwise to comply with an implementation condition under a Ministerial Statement. 

These instructions set out the standard submission requirements for the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) to assess and/or approve an IRP or IRR. Templates are provided with the instructions to assist proponents and facilitate an efficient environmental impact assessment process. Proponents are required to follow the supplied templates, unless otherwise agreed with DWER. 

The purpose of these instructions is to assist proponents in their request for approval to amend their approved proposal and/or the conditions of their approved proposal. The Environmental Protection Authority Chair usually exercises a delegation to consider these applications on behalf of the Minister for Environment. 

A request under s. 45C will not be approved if the requested amendment is considered to be a significant amendment.

The Instructions assist proponents to provide the necessary information with their request to enable the decision maker to determine whether to approve an amendment to a proposal and/or implementation conditions under s. 45C.  

The purpose of the instructions is to assist proponents to prepare a request to amend implementation conditions of an approved Ministerial statement

The Minister for Environment needs sufficient information from the proponent to decide whether to request that the Environmental Protection Authority conduct an inquiry and report on whether the implementation conditions for an existing Ministerial statement, or any of them, should be amended.

Proponents are required to use the Form for all requests relating to an amendment to implementation conditions under section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

These instructions are provided to assist proponents to prepare Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) submitted under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. EMPs may be provided at referral, during an assessment by the EPA, or required as an implementation condition under a Ministerial statement. The term ‘Environmental Management Plan’ is used generically to refer to documents that set out the above information. Documents may be referred to in various ways, e.g. ‘Fauna Management Plan’ or ‘Groundwater Monitoring and Management and Plan’ or ‘Greenhouse Gas Management Plan’.

Some of the EPA’s environmental factors have additional guidance on the development of EMPs. Refer to the relevant technical guidance in the EPA’s Framework for environmental considerations in EIA.

This guidance does not cover the preparation of mine closure plans. Refer to the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety’s (DMIRS) Statutory Guideline for Mine Closure Plans and Mine Closure Plan Guidance - how to prepare in accordance with the Statutory Guidelines when preparing mine closure plans. These documents are available on the DMIRS website.

This revised version contains greater emphasis on outcomes and it should be noted that the EPA’s preference is for outcomes-based conditions where practical. When there is an outcomes-based condition, the EPA may recommend an outcomes based environmental management plan (for monitoring). While the EPA’s preference is for outcomes-based conditions, the EPA may recommend objectives-based management plan conditions, where this is not practical or appropriate.

These instructions set out the minimum requirements that the EPA needs to assess and/or approve the plan. Templates and examples are provided with the instructions to assist proponents and facilitate an efficient environmental impact assessment process.

As part of the review of the EPA’s Environmental Factor Guideline- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2023) a template Greenhouse Gas Environmental Management Plan has been developed to support transparency and consistency of these EMPs.

A Greenhouse Gas Environmental Management Plan summary report template has also been developed based on the requirements of current greenhouse gas Ministerial conditions.

The purpose of the attached instructions and form is to assist a proponent in transferring responsibility for a proposal to another person.

The Minister for Environment (or delegate) is the decision-maker for transferring responsibility of a proposal after a Ministerial statement has been published.

The instruction and form outline the information that is required for requests to transfer responsibility of a proposal.

Instructions (PDF, 403.18 KB)403.18 KB
Form (PDF, 330.49 KB)330.49 KB

The attached instruction and form assist proponents in requesting withdrawal of a Ministerial Statement under s. 47A of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) (EP Act).

The Minister for Environment (or delegate) is the decision-maker for withdrawing a Ministerial Statement.

The instruction and form outline the information proponents should provide with their request to enable the Minister (or delegate) to determine whether to approve a request to withdraw the relevant Ministerial statement under s. 47A of the EP Act

Instructions (PDF, 507.97 KB)507.97 KB
Form (PDF, 328.04 KB)328.04 KB

An audit table for the Statement addressed in this Statement of Compliance must be provided as Attachment 2. Post Assessment Guideline 1 provides an audit table template and describes its attributes.