Instructions for preparing data packages for the Index of Marine Surveys for Assessments (IMSA)

To assist proponents in preparing Index of Marine Surveys for Assessments (IMSA) data packages, to accompany marine survey reports submitted to support assessments under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

For further information about IMSA and the portal, visit the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s website.

Please note that there are upcoming changes planned for spatial data that is submitted from you to IMSA. To align with the National Measurement Act, IMSA is moving towards requiring all spatial data submissions to be in the GDA2020 datum. This change is anticipated to be completed and confirmed by the 1st of March 2022. Throughout this interim period, you will find that IMSA instructions and templates will be progressively updated to reflect GDA2020, but with an intent to continue to support the GDA1994 datum until further notice.


IMSA Metadata Report Template (TXT, 4.11 KB) 
IMSA Field Names (XLSX, 19.41 KB)