The amendment proposes to rationalise the Greenwood Local Structure Plan by
transferring various lots and reserves from ‘Urban Development’ to ‘Residential (R40,
R60, and R80)’, ‘Public Open Space’, and ‘Local Road’.
The scheme gives effect to Improvement Plan No. 56 Malaga Station Precinct and the Ballajura Station Precinct Structure Plan over Lot 810 and Lot 11 Beechboro Road North, Whiteman.
The scheme gives effect to Improvement Plan 55: Bennet Springs East Area, and provides a statutory instrument to implement the strategic planning framework for Bennet Springs East, including commercial and residential development.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 72 and Lot 955 from ‘Urban Development’ to Residential (R60)’.
Amendment No.23 proposes to amend the Shire of Northam’s (the Shire) Local
Planning Scheme (LPS) 6 by correcting anomalies in the Scheme maps and rezoning
various lots in Grass Valley to facilitate the expansion of the Avon Industrial Park.
The amendment proposes to rezone land over multiple landholdings from the Rural –
Water Protection zone to the Urban and Urban Deferred zones to facilitate future
residential development.
The amendment proposes to rationalise DA 4 by transferring various lots and
reserves from ‘Development’ to ‘Residential (R20), (R25), (R30), (R40), (R60)’, ‘Parks
and Recreation’ (P&R), ‘Lakes and Drainage’, ‘Public Purposes – Water Corporation’,
and ‘Local Road’. The scheme maps are to be updated accordingly.
The amendment proposes to update to the Shire’s existing Local Planning Scheme 9
(LPS 9) to follow the model provisions as per the Planning and Development (Local
Planning Schemes) Regulation 2015, insert Gingin Brook provision into Special
Control Area No. 1, and minor mapping changes in order to accurately reflect the
updated reserves and zones, additional uses and rezoning of special use zones.
The amendment proposes to rationalise DA 4 by transferring various lots and
reserves from ‘Development’ to ‘Residential (R60)’, ‘Local Centre’, ‘Lakes and
Drainage’ ‘Local Road’, and ‘Public Purposes – Primary School’, and to remove
‘Additional Use No. 9’ (AU 9) from ‘Table 6 – Additional Uses’ of the scheme text.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lots 10, 11 and 800 Hamilton Street, Cannington
from the ‘Other Regional Roads’ reservation to the ‘Centre’ zone, and to amend the
scheme map accordingly.