To rezone approximately 123.5 hectares of land in Wattle Grove from the Rural zone to the Urban zone
The amendment proposes to introduce a new 'Urban Development' zone over which the East Mukinbudin Structure Plan 1 will take effect, as well as to rezone Lots 91 and 66 Bent Street from 'Rural' and 'Road' to 'Urban Development', and a portion of Lot 90 Koorda-Bullfinch Road from 'Rural' to 'Town Centre', respectively.
The amendment proposes to rationalise various lots and reserves within ASP No. 60 and No. 86, which includes the rezoning of land from ‘Urban Development’ to ‘Public Open Space’ (POS), ‘Environmental Conservation’ (EC), ‘Local Road’, ‘Public Purposes’, ‘Commercial’, ‘Mixed Use’, ‘Residential (R30 and R40)’, and administrative changes to the ASP No. 60 scheme text. The scheme maps are to be updated accordingly.
The amendment proposes to rezone the above lots from the ‘Urban Development’ zone to the ‘Light Industry’ zone and amend the Scheme Map accordingly
The amendment proposes to rezone the old Woolstores site, from the ‘Rural Smallholdings’ and ‘Light Industry’ zones, and ‘Local Road’ reserve to the ‘Urban Development’ zone. The intention of the ‘Urban Development’ zone is to provide for a range of residential and commercial uses and to protect the land from noncompatible subdivision or development.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has initiated Amendment 1395/57 to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to rezone land within Pt Lots 23 and 72 Eveline Road Middle Swan to enable a change in land use from the current brickworks to urban development. The proposed amendment area is 24.32ha and includes rezoning from ‘Rural’ and ‘Industrial’ to ‘Urban’, and rezoning from ‘Rural’ and ‘Industrial’ to ‘Parks and Recreation’ of land adjacent to the Swan River.
The amendment proposes an administrative change to the Swan Valley Planning
Scheme text, to reflect updated MRS clauses and provisions (i.e., R-Codes), following
the introduction of the Metropolitan Region Scheme Bill 2024.
The amendment proposes administrative changes to the Shire of Esperance LPS 24
scheme text, such as amending and deleting 'Additional Uses', inserting new 'Special
Use' areas, upcoding residential densities and modifying land use classifications,
inserting new 'Special Control Areas' and 'Restricted Uses', and updating the scheme
map to reflect the proposed changes.
The amendment proposes to rationalise the Greenwood Local Structure Plan by
transferring various lots and reserves from ‘Urban Development’ to ‘Residential (R40,
R60, and R80)’, ‘Public Open Space’, and ‘Local Road’.
The scheme gives effect to Improvement Plan No. 56 Malaga Station Precinct and the Ballajura Station Precinct Structure Plan over Lot 810 and Lot 11 Beechboro Road North, Whiteman.