City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme (TPS) Amendment 166 proposes to zone portions of land within the former Roe 8 and Roe 9 as ‘Residential’, ‘Urban’, and ‘Mixed Business’. The amendment proposes zoning the future MRS ‘Urban’ zoned land, between Leda Street and the future MRS ‘Parks and Recreation’ reserve straddling Blackwood Avenue ‘Development’ and applying special control area ‘Development Area No.46’, with associated structure planning provisions. The land associated with the amendment is currently reserved as ‘Primary Regional Road’ in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and is proposed for future ‘Urban’ or ‘Parks and Recreation’ zoning.
The amendment proposes to rezone portions of Lots 28 and 36 Woodvale Drive,
Woodvale from ‘Rural’ and ‘Private Community Purposes’ to ‘Residential’ (R30). The
proposed amendment is to facilitate future residential development consistent with the
City of Joondalup’s Local Planning Strategy.
Amendment 11 seeks to add an Additional Use (A18) to Lot 150 Austral Parade, East
Bunbury, to add ‘Hotel’, ‘Motel’ and ‘Service Apartments’ as discretionary ‘A” uses and
amendment scheme text at Schedule 1.
The amendment proposes to insert new land uses and modify the permissibility of
existing land uses within ‘Precinct 2’ of ‘Special Use’ Zone No. 24 in the City of Swan
Local Planning Scheme 17. The proposed amendment is to facilitate redevelopment
of the former Rosehill Lodge site for commercial and tourism purposes
The amendment proposes to modify Special Use Zone No.13 for ‘Gymnasium/ Health
Studio’ to include ‘Recreation – Private, ‘Consulting Rooms’ and ‘Restaurant/ Café’.
Amendment 164 proposes to update the zoning and reservation of various land parcels within Development Areas 8 and 9 to reflect the current land uses and reduce the extent of the Special Control Area in Development Areas 8 and 9.
The amendment proposes to increase the residential code density at the above location from ‘Residential’ R30 to ‘Residential’ R60, and to include text at Schedule 12 of the scheme to set out requirements for future local development planning within the amendment area.
The City of Cockburn is proposing to rezone land within transfer zones and reserves within Development Area 37 to reflect the current land uses and reduce the extent of the Development Area 37.
The City of Cockburn is proposing to rezone land within Development Area 37 to reflect the current land uses and reduce the extent of the Development Area 37.
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 4 has been prepared to enable development outcomes that are generally consistent with LPS 3 and the vision and intent of existing strategic planning projects/documents