The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 6 Commonage Road, Quindalup from ‘Light Industry’ to ‘Urban Development’ and to introduce provisions at Schedule 3, Special Provision No. 31 of the Scheme. The proposed amendment is to facilitate future residential (and associated) land uses at the site.
The amendment proposes to reclassify approximately 393 hectares (ha) in North Ellenbrook from the ‘Rural’ zone to ‘Urban Deferred’ zone and ‘Parks and Recreation’ reservation, to facilitate future residential, light industrial and commercial development. The proposed amendment is consistent with the North Ellenbrook (West) District Structure Plan.
The purpose of the amendment is to rationalise the extent of the ‘Primary Regional Roads’ reservation for parts of the Mitchell Freeway, by transferring land from the ‘Primary Regional Roads’ reservation to the ‘Industrial’ and ‘Urban’ zones.
Amendment 52 proposes to amend the City of Perth’s City Planning Scheme 2 (CPS2) by inserting a new Special Control Area (SCA) over No. 935 (Lot 3), No. 937 (Lot 2) and No. 939 (Lot 1) Wellington Street in Perth. The purpose of the amendment is to establish a SCA over the site, in order to increase the base plot ratio for the site.
The amendment proposes to rationalise various structure plans within Development Area (DA) 26 and DA 27, rezone various lots from ‘Development’ to ‘Residential’, ‘Parks and Recreation’, ‘Lakes and Drainage’ and ‘Local Road’, insert ‘Special Use 31’ into Table 8 – Special Use Zones of the scheme text, and reduce the extent of DA 26 and DA 27 Special Control area boundaries.
The amendment proposes to insert new vehicle access provisions into Table 6 – Clause 32 of the scheme text for various residential (R60) lots, and to amend the scheme map accordingly.
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 18 represents an administrative update to the City of Swan’s existing LPS 17, to ensure consistency with the requirements of the Model Provisions at Schedule 1 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations), the City’s Local Planning Strategy, and relevant state planning legislation and policies.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone approximately 178 hectares
of land in Maida Vale from the Rural zone to the Urban Deferred zone in order to facilitate
future residential development.
The amendment proposes to transfer land within Brabham and Dayton from ‘Parks and Recreation’ reservation to the ‘Urban’ zone, ‘Public Purposes – Special Uses’ to the ‘Urban’ zone, and ‘Primary Regional Roads’ to the ‘Urban Deferred’ zone.
Amendment 1 has been prepared to facilitate the implementation of new precinct structure plans (which are proposed to be concurrently advertised with the amendment) for: Chinatown/Old Broome and Cable Beach. The amendment proposes scheme text changes (including introduction of structure plan requirements and modifications to definitions in the scheme) and also proposes land use zoning and R-code changes within the Chinatown/Old Broome structure plan area.