Swan River Crossings

Proposal description: 

Main Roads Western Australia (Main Roads) is proposing to build the Swan River Crossings (the Proposal) that includes the construction of new road and rail bridges, the upgrading of the existing rail bridge and the demolition of the existing Fremantle Traffic Bridge in Fremantle, Western Australia.  

The proposals location includes the Road and rail corridor along Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle from Tydeman Road in the north to Canning Highway south of the Swan River. And the eastern side of the rail corridor from North Fremantle Station to Tydeman Road. Works for the Proposal will include: 

Road Works 

  • Construction of a standalone four-lane bridge over the Swan River (to the east / up-stream of the existing Fremantle Traffic Bridge). 

  • Realignment and upgrade of Queen Victoria Street and Canning Highway to suit the new road bridge over the Swan River. 

  • Construction of a Principal Shared Path (PSP) from North Fremantle Station to Canning Highway including: 

  • Construction of a bridge structure to take the PSP over Tydeman Road. 

  • Crossing the Swan River via the new road bridge, which is to accommodate separated pedestrian and cycling traffic. 

  • Demolition of existing Fremantle Traffic Bridge with a minimum of 19m over water to be retained at the southern end. 

Rail works 

  • Construction of new standalone passenger rail bridge over the Swan River carrying two narrow gauge mainlines. 

  • Realignment, modification and upgrade of existing rail infrastructure to suit new and retained rail bridge structures. 

  • Retention and modification of the existing Fremantle Rail Bridge  as a dedicated freight rail bridge. 

  • Modification of existing rail-over-road bridge on Tydeman Rd. 

Main Roads WA referred the proposal in September 2020, and the proposal was released for a 7 day public comment period at that time. Since then, MRWA have undertaken additional work and provided further information to the EPA regarding the footprint for the proposal. The referral information below has been updated to reflect this new information.

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
October 25, 2021
Current Status: 
Decision on whether to assess has been published
Decision on whether to assess has been published
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