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Last updated: September 28, 2021
Busselton Jetty Incorporated is proposing to construct and operate an underwater observatory, the Australian Underwater Discovery Centre (AUDC) at the existing Busselton Jetty, Busselton, south-west Australia. The proposal includes the towing of the pre-fabricated AUDC by vessel approximately 100 nautical miles, underwater debris removal, piling activities, installation of the AUDC and installation of a pre-fabricated modular building on the jetty. Piling works associated with the installation... Read more...Last updated: September 20, 2021
Pantoro South Pty Ltd propose to recommence operations of the Norseman Gold Project located adjacent to the town of Norseman, 200 kilometres (km) south of Kalgoorlie. The proposal involves extensions to existing mines and excavation of new open pits, associated mine dewatering, onsite ore processing and waste (tailings and waste rock) disposal and the construction of additional supporting infrastructure. The total disturbance footprint of the proposal is 590 hectares (ha), comprising 150 ha... Read more...Last updated: September 14, 2021
Hastings Technology Metals Ltd propose to expand the existing approved Yangibana Rare Earths Project, a Rare Earth Elements mine which includes on site processing and associated infrastructure. The expansion involves mining from two additional pits (Yangibana and Auer) and one larger amalgamated pit (Bald Hill-Simon’s Find-Fraser’s). The proposal is located approximately 270 kilometres east-north-east of Carnarvon in the Shire of Upper Gascoyne. The proposal would include total disturbance of... Read more...Last updated: September 14, 2021
The Warrawoona Gold Project, located approximately 20km south of Marble Bar, will abstract ore from an open pit and underground mine at the Klondyke deposit as well as a cutback of the existing Copenhagen pit. Ore will be processes at around 2Mtpa at Klondyke. The project will produce gold bar and gold concentrate and is expected to operate for approximately six years. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 398 hectares. Read more...Last updated: September 1, 2021
Kimberley Agricultural Investment (KAI) Pty Ltd proposes to develop 3086 hectares of land for the purposes of perennial and annual cropping, including grains, cotton and horticulture (which may include citrus and/or mango trees or other tree crops). The proposal is located between House Roof Hill and the Ord River, approximately 40 kilometres north-west of Kununurra, in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley. Carlton Plains Stage 1 forms the initial component of the staged development of four... Read more...Last updated: September 1, 2021
The proposal is for the construction and operation of a gas processing plant, onshore supply gas pipeline, onshore sales gas pipeline, and horizontal directionally drilled shore crossing. Read more...Last updated: September 1, 2021
The proposal is an expansion of the existing Sino Iron Project approved under Ministerial Statement 635 (as amended). The proposal is required to accommodate continuation of mine operations associated with the existing two billion tonnes mining rights afforded to Sino Iron and Korean Steel in accordance with existing commercial agreements. It includes the expansion of the mine pit, waste dumps and Tailings Storage Facilities. The proposed mine pit expansion will increase in depth from 220 m to... Read more...Last updated: August 31, 2021
Digital 4 Pty Ltd proposes to develop Lot 802 Erindale Road Hamersley for urban development. Clearing of native vegetation will also occur within the western portion of Lot 803 to establish an Asset Protection Zone to meet requirements for bushfire management. The urban development will include residential development, internal public road network, public open space, a conservation area, drainage swales/basins and sewer easements. The development envelope for the proposal is 13.55 hectares. The... Read more...Last updated: August 24, 2021
Image Resources NL is seeking to develop a mineral sands project, located at Nambung, approximately 170 kilometres (km) north of Perth and 18 km east of Cervantes, in the Wheatbelt region of WA. The proposal includes the progressive development of mine pits, processing facilities, groundwater bores and water management infrastructure, temporary waste dumps, solar drying ponds and associated infrastructure. The proposal would require the clearing of up 320 hectares of native vegetation. Read more...Last updated: August 9, 2021
The original proposal is for mining of silica (quartzite) rock approximately 15 kilometres north of Moora on Mining Lease M70/191, and smelting to produce silicon, employing wood, charcoal, coal and the silica mined at Moora, in the Kemerton Industrial Area approximately 20 kilometres north of Bunbury in the Shire of Harvey. This revised proposal is for an increase from the approved three submerged electric arc furnaces to four submerged electric arc furnaces at the Kemerton site, and the... Read more...Last updated: August 9, 2021
Leichhardt Industrials Pty Ltd (Leichhardt) is seeking to develop a salt production and export operation in the Cape Preston East area, approximately 55 kilometres (km) westsouth-west of Karratha in Western Australia (WA). The proposal will utilise seawater and evaporation to produce concentrated salt products for export. The proposal includes the development of a series of concentrator and crystalliser ponds, processing plant, product pipeline and offshore export facility (offshore pylon wharf... Read more...Last updated: July 29, 2021
The proponent is proposing to develop the remainder of Part Lot 420, Yangebup Road, Yangebup for educational purposes; the site contains an existing school and church. The development envelope for the proposal is 2.63 hectares (ha) and contains 2.07 ha of native vegetation. This vegetation is proposed to be cleared for the proposal which includes buildings, an access road, carpark and recreation areas. Read more...Last updated: July 28, 2021
Hanson Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Rocla Pty Ltd) proposes to extract sand within Bush Forever Site 390, on mining tenements M70/1142 and M70/1088 approximately 20km South of Perth at Lot 467 Jandakot Road, Banjup (City of Cockburn). The proposal would include: - a development envelope of 9.56 hectares (ha), including 5.63 ha that has been historically cleared; - clearing of 3.93 ha of native vegetation; - sand extraction of 300,000 tonnes over a period of approximately three years; - dry... Read more...Last updated: July 26, 2021
Minara Resources Pty Ltd (Minara) propose to undertake a program of grade control drilling across the southern portion of the Irwin Hills Project, located approximately 85 kilometres (km) south-east of Laverton and approximately 120 km south-east of the existing Murrin Murrin Nickel Cobalt Project, Western Australia. The proposal would consist of clearing 312 hectares (ha) of native vegetation and utilise 29 ha of existing disturbance within a proposed 935 ha development envelope. The life of... Read more...Last updated: July 15, 2021
Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd (CBH) propose to develop a facility for the import and storage of dry (granular) and liquid urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) fertiliser products. The proposal consists of onshore and offshore components and is located adjacent and within the existing Rockingham Industrial Zone (RIZ). The offshore component will extend into the southern Cockburn Sound. The proposal involves the construction of a dedicated liquid (UAN) pipeline that will follow the alignment of the... Read more...Last updated: June 28, 2021
The Water Corporation are proposing to construct a new 12.5 km pressured wastewater pipeline, primarily along Gnangara Road, from the Barrambie Way Sewerage Pumping Station in Ellenbrook to the Gnangara Branch Sewer in Wangara. The total disturbance area for the proposal is 30 ha, with a total clearing of no more than 0.3 ha of native vegetation. Read more...Last updated: June 24, 2021
Open cut dry mining of mineral sands and the processing of mined material through primary and secondary concentration plants and dry minerals separation. It includes the construction and operation of associated infrastructure and a modification to the intersection of Brand Hwy with Wannamal Road West. Read more...Last updated: June 10, 2021
Delete conditions 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7 (Marine Wastewater Outfall) relating to the management of the marine wastewater outfall for the desalination plant. Amend condition 8-8 to remove reference to conditions 8-4 and 8-5. Read more...Last updated: June 9, 2021
VBX Limited propose to develop a bauxite mine located approximately 15 km west of the town of Kalumburu in the Kimberley. The proposal involves the mining of bauxite in the Kimberley and the use of a conveyor to transport processed ore to a barge-loading facility in Napier Broome Sound, and then trans-shipping of ore. Read more...Last updated: May 31, 2021
The Water Corporation propose to construct a seawater desalination plant to supply potable water to the town of Onslow, WA. Seawater intake and brine wastewater release will occur in Beadon Bay, approximately 1 km seaward from the shoreline. The desalination processing facility is to be located at Lot 551, 552 and/or 553 Beadon Creek Road, Onslow. The proposal will involve the installation of permanent subtidal infrastructure in Beadon Bay (intake head, brine diffusers and transport pipes), a... Read more...