ProjectProponent: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of PerthProposal description: The proponent is proposing to develop the remainder of Part Lot 420, Yangebup Road, Yangebup for educational purposes; the site contains an existing school and church. The development envelope for the proposal is 2.63 hectares (ha) and contains 2.07 ha of native vegetation. This vegetation is proposed to be cleared for the proposal which includes buildings, an access road, carpark and recreation areas. Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: InfrastructureLast updated: July 29, 2021Current Status: Seven-day public comment period closed 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Part Lot 402 Yangebup Road Yangebup - School ExpansionComment period: Friday, 23 July, 2021 to Thursday, 29 July, 2021Referral documentation: Referral Form (PDF, 738.36 KB) Supporting Document (PDF, 3.04 MB) Referral Supporting Report - Figures 1 to 6.pdf (PDF, 11.3 MB) Appendix 1 Flora and Vegetation Survey and Black Cockatoo Habitat Assessment (PDF, 15.96 MB) Appendix 2 Ministerial Statement 285 (PDF, 161.8 KB) Appendix 3 PaWS Flora Database Searches (PDF, 151.99 KB) Appendix 3 PaWS Flora Database Searches (PDF, 220.45 KB) Appendix 4 Naturemap Report (PDF, 1.54 MB) Appendix 5 Protected Matters Search Tool Report (PDF, 196.15 KB) Appendix 6 Conservation Codes (PDF, 230.11 KB) Appendix 7 Heritage Database Report (PDF, 707.5 KB)