ProjectProponent: VBX LimitedProposal description: VBX Limited propose to develop a bauxite mine located approximately 15 km west of the town of Kalumburu in the Kimberley. The proposal involves the mining of bauxite in the Kimberley and the use of a conveyor to transport processed ore to a barge-loading facility in Napier Broome Sound, and then trans-shipping of ore. Assessment Number: 2237Region: KimberleyReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: BauxiteLast updated: June 9, 2021Current Status: Environmental Scoping Document approved 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Wuudagu Bauxite ProjectComment period: Monday, 20 January, 2020 to Sunday, 26 January, 2020Referral documentation: Referral Form.pdf (PDF, 158.96 KB) Supporting Information.pdf (PDF, 3.42 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewExtract of determination: Wuudagu Bauxite Project (PDF, 505.86 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsBenthic Communities and HabitatsCoastal ProcessesMarine Environmental QualityMarine FaunaFlora and VegetationTerrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersDate published: Monday, 10 February, 2020 3. AssessmentScopingEnvironmental scoping document for public comment: Wuudagu Bauxite Project - ESD (PDF, 2.02 MB)Public comment on Environmental Scoping Document: Thursday, 1 April, 2021 to Wednesday, 14 April, 2021Comment on this ESD: Wuudagu Bauxite Project – Environmental Scoping DocumentEnvironmental scoping document: CMS17751-Approved ESD-090621 (PDF, 2.02 MB)Approved: Wednesday, 9 June, 2021