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Last updated: July 12, 1989
Argyle Diamond Mines Pty Ltd has submitted a proposal to recommence the mining of alluvial diamonds from Smoke and Limestone Creeks within its Argyle mining lease. The project is expected to process about 5 million tonnes of gravel for a return of approximately 5.3 million carats over a three year period, beginning about July 1989. Read more...Last updated: June 27, 1989
Minora Resources NL has submitted a proposal to drill a third exploration oil well in its lease, EP 325, Exmouth Gulf. The well is located 13 km south east of the town of Exmouth. Minora propose to use a jack-up rig and drilling would take about 24 days to complete. Drilling is proposed during the winter of 1989. Read more...Last updated: June 26, 1989
The State Planning Commission has proposed an amendment to the Metropolitan Regional Scheme (MRS) to create the reserve for the Kwinana Freeway extension from Thomas Road to the southern boundary of the Metropolitan Region, north east of Mandurah. Read more...Last updated: May 15, 1989
Proposal to undertake a seismic survey in an area which partially overlaps the south-eastern corner of Cape Range National Park. The proposal involves 12.9 km of seismic survey in the National Park using the vibroseis technique. This would require some ground disturbance, primarily by walking a bulldozer along the survey lines with its blade raised in order to press the vegetation down rather than clearing it. Three 50 m drill holes would be required but no drilling mud or additives would be... Read more...Last updated: May 3, 1989
In November 1987 the TiO 2 Corporation submitted to the Environmental Protection Authority an ERMP describing a proposal which included the establishment of a mineral sands dry separation plant at a site just north of Muchea on the Brand Highway. The EPA assessed that proposal subject to the implementation of several commitments and recommendations (EPA Bulletin 330, March 1988) and found it environmentally acceptable. Subsequently the proponent submitted a proposal for the establishment of a... Read more...Last updated: May 1, 1989
The proposal which Nufarm-Coogee has submitted for assessment is as follows: Separation of conditions and commitments in Ministerial Statement 1 , devolving those related to the Chlor-Alkali Plant to Nufarm-Coogee, with the remainder continuing to be the responsibility of SCM Chemicals Ltd; Changing commitments for a foam suppression system in the chlorine storage area. remotely operated valves (ROVs) on the liquified chlorine line. and excess flow valves on the liquified chlorine line; and,... Read more...Last updated: April 1, 1989
Esplanade (Mandurah) Pty Ltd proposes to develop a canal estate at Halls Head Mandurah called Port Mandurah. This project would involve single residential water front allotments, fronting onto a network of canals, linked to the Mandurah Inlet Channel and includes a tourist development site and a village centre, encompassing a total area of 113.8 hectares. Read more...Last updated: March 30, 1989
The proposal is for the construction of a standard 22 kV three phase wood pole distribution line from Northcliffe to the Windy Harbour settlement, a distance of approximately 30 kilometres. For much of its length, the powerline would pass through the D'Entrecasteaux National Park and an area which has been proposed as national park under the Department of Conservation and Land Management's (CALM) Shannon Park and D'Entrecasteaux National Park Management Plan 1987/88 and the... Read more...Last updated: March 14, 1989
The State Energy Commission is proposing to establish a gas turbine power station at Pinjar, north east of Wanneroo. At the completion of the construction in 1994, the station will comprise eight 35 MW gas turbine units. Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
Proposal to build a new horticultural college of TAFE at Bull Creek in the City of Melville Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
The proposed Bunbury Holiday Resort involves a resort complex on 21.8 hectares of land at Point Douro peninsula, on the northern side of the Collie River Delta. Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
Inquiry under section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 to change Condition 7 which currently requires the proponent to prepare an Environmental Management Plan prior to construction Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
Petrochemical Industries Company Limited proposes to establish an integrated petrochemical complex in the Kwinana industrial area. The facility will utilise natural gas and salt to produce a range of products. Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
A proposal for a major road system in the eastern corridor of the Perth metropolitan region has been put forward by the joint proponents, the State Planning Commission, Main Roads Department, Shire of Mundaring and Shire of Swan. The proposal is for an upgrading of the Great Eastern Highway, the development of a Hills Spine Road by extending Cameron road and a new route referred to as the Orange Route in combination with upgrading of Toodyay road. Read more...Last updated: February 1, 1989
Proposal to establish a 54 000 tonne per year chloride process, titanium dioxide pigment plant at Kwinana. This represents the final stage of a four part vertically integrated mineral sands industry consisting of: a mineral sands mine at Cooljarloo a dry separation plant at Muchea a synthetic rutile plant at Muchea and a pigment plant at Kwinana Read more...Last updated: February 1, 1989
Barrack Energy Limited propose to conduct a seismic survey north east of Jurien in an area with includes Mt Lesueur. Part of this area has been recognised as having important conservation value. It is subject to Environmental Protection Authority Red Book recommendation 5.17 which states that the area should be a declared Class A Reserve for the purpose of nature conservation and vested in the National Parks and Nature Conservation Authority. Read more...Last updated: January 31, 1989
Clover Meats Pty Ltd purchased a partly completed abattoir on a 200 ha rural site at North Dandalup in 1983. It proposes to finish construction of the abattoir in the near future and to operate the abattoir initially at a slaughter rate of 200 cattle/day with upgrading to 400 cattle/day at a later stage. The major potential environmental impact with this proposal is that it would discharge phosphorus to Peel Harvey catchment area. Given the present phosphorus problem in the estuary, very strict... Read more...Last updated: January 1, 1989
Lot 1 Stephenson Avenue City Beach is part of the System 6 Recommendation M47 which deals with Bold Part and adjacent land. The land in question was included in the 1983 System 6 Recommendation because it was "Open space of regional significance... because of its high conservation, recreation and educational value and its proximity to Perth residential areas". This is the second proposal for residential development of Lot 1 Stephenson Avenue, City Beach lodged by Bond Corporation... Read more...Last updated: January 1, 1989
Proposal by Cooljarloo Joint Venture to build and operate a synthetic rutile plant next to its dry separation plant which would be sited 4 km north of Muchea. Cooljarloo Joint Venture is proposing a four part vertically integrated mineral sands industry consisting of: a mine at Cooljarloo a dry separation plant at Muchea a synthetic rutile plant at Muchea and a pigment plant at Kwinana Read more...Last updated: December 30, 1988
The proposal is to mine granite at Coarin Rock near Kwolyin in the central wheatbelt area of Western Australia. Coarin Rock is located within Reserve 35598 for the purpose of "water supply" and vested in the Water Authority of Western Australia. Although the Reserve is not being used for this purpose at the current time it has significant conservation and recreational values. The area is extensively used by local residents for recreational purposes. Mining is proposed to occur along a... Read more...