Mandurah Quay, Peel Inlet, Mandurah

Proposal description: 

The proposal consists of a boat haven with mooring facilities for up to 175 boats, a public boat landing, a launching ramp, refuelling and sullage pump-out facilities, a village centre, and tourist and residential accommodation. lt is located on 35 ha of privately owned land situated adjacent to the Sticks Channel, Peel Inlet, in the town of Mandurah. The land is zoned Tourist under the Mandurah Town Planning Scheme 1A, Amendment No 45.

Following publication of the EPA's report and recommendations, the proposal was withdrawn. A new proposal was subsequently referred for assessment (Assessment No. 617).

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
January 25, 1991
Current Status: 
Proposal withdrawn
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