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Last updated: January 25, 1991
AWP Holdings Limited operates a solvent wool scouring plant at Miguel Road, Spearwood, Western Australia. One of its wastes is mud resulting from agricultural dirt scoured from the wool. The composition of the mud is grit, organic matter, salt with traces of heavy metals and pesticides, particularly the insecticide diazinon. The proposal is to carry out a year's trial on disposing of the mud by injecting it into the subsoil on land at Amarillo Farm. The property straddles the lower reaches... Read more...Last updated: January 25, 1991
The proposal consists of a boat haven with mooring facilities for up to 175 boats, a public boat landing, a launching ramp, refuelling and sullage pump-out facilities, a village centre, and tourist and residential accommodation. lt is located on 35 ha of privately owned land situated adjacent to the Sticks Channel, Peel Inlet, in the town of Mandurah. The land is zoned Tourist under the Mandurah Town Planning Scheme 1A, Amendment No 45. Following publication of the EPA's report and... Read more...Last updated: December 13, 1990
Dominion Mining Limited submitted a Consultative Environmental Review for the Yakabindie Nickle Project to the Environmental Protection Authority in April 1990 (EPA Bulletin 444). Following assessement of the CER by the EPA, the Minister for the Environment issued a statement "that the proposal may be implemented" on the 29th November 1990 ( Ministerial Statement 117 ). Further studies carried out by the proponent on the location of facilities at the site have resulted in... Read more...Last updated: December 4, 1990
The proposed Yakabindie minesite is located within the lease area of the Yakabindie Pastoral Station approximately 5 kilometres east of the main Leinster to Wiluna road. An open cut mine is proposed to be developed at the site to produce approximately 6 million tonnes of low grade nickel sulphide ore per annum and 25 million tonnes of waste rock per annum. Mining will be carried out using conventional large-capacity diesel powered earthmoving equipment such as excavators, haul trucks and... Read more...Last updated: November 23, 1990
The proposal is to establish intensive chicken farming (approximately 150,000 birds) in three sheds on the above property. The property consists of 68ha , 40 of which is currently under irrigation for the production of lucerne. The poultry litter will be removed from site. Read more...Last updated: November 23, 1990
The proposal is for a service station and local store facilities. The subject land comprises a 4,000 square metre (approximately) segment of Swan location 1866, which is located on the south-east corner of Meadowlands Drive and Neaves Road, and is some 12 kilometres by road from Wanneroo townsite. The site is located over a Priority 1 Source Area as defined by the Water Authority of WA. for the protection of groundwater supplies, and is also within the Wanneroo Underground Water Pollution... Read more...Last updated: November 23, 1990
The proposal is for rezoning Lot 602, Beacham Road Pinjarra from Rural to Industrial and to specify that only "dry-industrial" uses would be permitted in this area by adding Clause 7.4.3 to the Shire of Murray Town Planning Scheme No 4 Scheme Text. On-site sewage effluent disposal has been proposed. The site is within the area defined as the Peel-Harvey Catchment by the Minister for the Environment where clearing, drainage and nutrient controls apply. The Environmental Protection... Read more...Last updated: November 23, 1990
The proposal is to expand the capacity of the existing Dampier salt field from 2.5 million tonnes per annum to 4 million tonnes per annum. Expansion is planned in four stages, depending on market demand, commencing in 1990 through to about 1997. Expansion would occur within the existing salt field lease boundary which has been operating at Dampier since the late 1960s. The proposed expansion is based on recovering waste salt from the disused bitterns holding pond then utilising this previously... Read more...Last updated: November 8, 1990
The proposal is to place sand (surcharge) to a height of 4.5 metres along a 1.9 kilometre length of the Mitchell Freeway adjacent to Lake Monger. The sand is to be piled to consolidate peat and an old sanitary landfill site for works associated with the widening of the Mitchell Freeway and the provision of a median strip for the proposed Northern Suburbs Rail Link. Because of the presence of peat and sanitary landfill, the ground is relatively spongy and would create an unsuitable base for the... Read more...Last updated: October 25, 1990
On 9 June, 1989, the Environmental Protection Authority received a referral from the Department of Mines of a mining lease application (MLA 70/473) by Magic Soil Ply Ltd. The mining lease application is to supersede a prospecting licence application (PLA 70/807) over the same area and is for a proposal to mine diatomaceous earth from the north·western corner of the lake bed. The referral was held pending clarification of the Government's Policy on Exploration and Mining in Conservation... Read more...Last updated: October 17, 1990
Poseidon Bow River Diamond Mine Limited (Poseidon) operates an alluvial diamond mine on part of Lissadell Station, which is at the southern end of Lake Argyle in the Kimberleys. The original mining proposal was for an area of about 500 hectares and operations have been progressing since 1988 under mining lease conditions. The original mining proposal was not assessed under Part IV of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, , but environmental conditions were set under several Works Approvals... Read more...Last updated: October 8, 1990
The proposal is to develop the Tubridgi Gas Field to supply natural gas to the existing Dampier to Perth pipeline. This would require the establishment of processing facilities on site near Onslow and an 85 kilometre connecting pipe to join into the main line. The gas field is about 36 square kilometres in area and lies under Urala Station pastoral lease, about 25 km south-west of the town of Onslow. It is estimated that up to 30 terajoules of gas per day could be collected over a field life of... Read more...Last updated: October 3, 1990
The Water Authority has stated that following the completion of the Pinjar groundwater development, a new major water supply source will be required by 1992. This reasoning is based on current and predicted water consumption demand even in view of the Water Authority's public water conservation programme. Because of the extent, magnitude and likely environmental implications of developing a new water supply source, the EPA required the Water Authority to prepare an ERMP for this project.... Read more...Last updated: September 28, 1990
The proposed turf farm is located within the catchment of the Peel-Harvey estuarine system, and is within the Jandakot Underground Water Pollution Control Area and Public Water Supply Area and is also in close proximity to Lake Banjup. The soils are of the Jandakot series of the Bassendean Association and have almost no ability to retain applied phosphorus or nitrogen. The proposal is for the growth of couch grass (, Cynodon dactylon, ) in the form of turf in a readily accessible area south of... Read more...Last updated: September 19, 1990
The proposal is to develop a fuel unloading, storage and dispatching facility at the corner of Barter and Leath roads, Kwinana. The elements of the proposal are: install a 450mm (18 inch) fuel import line from the Bulk Cargo Jetty to the site construct refined oil tanks (two of 11,000 cubic metres for ULP and two of 3000 cubic metres for diesel) construct three small tanks for short term storage of each product install road tanker loading unit construct a small office and gate house Read more...Last updated: September 19, 1990
The proposal is to establish a Research and Development Facility at Kwinana to prove the feasibility of a direct iron ore smelting process capable of producing commercially saleable iron product. The iron would ultimately be used as feed material for the production of steel products. Hlsmelt Corporation Pty Ltd is a joint venture between CRA Limited and the Midrex Corporation of USA, which has been formed to manage the project. The research facility will be constructed within the boundaries of... Read more...Last updated: September 17, 1990
An application by McLean Consolidated Pty Ltd to export hardwood woodchips derived from the sawmill wastes of the Denmark Sawmill through the Port of Albany was approved by the Minister for Environment in 1988. Since being granted that approval, several factors concerning the original proposal have altered, including change of ownership of both the project and the sawmill. The proponent, Southern Plantations Chip Company Pty Ltd, now wishes to export woodchips derived from sawmill wastes... Read more...Last updated: September 10, 1990
The proposal is to provide reticulated gas to the public in the Mandurah area using standard air/gas mixing and storage facilities at SECWA's site in Gordon Road, Mandurah. The plant will provide an initial gas reticulation system to allow a customer base to be established. Further planning is to provide a connection to the Perth-Bunbury natural gas pipeline when the customer base is large enough to warrant the capital investment. The plant is similar to one operating in Albany... Read more...Last updated: August 23, 1990
The proposal is to import a dense grade of ammonium nitrate (known as "NITRAM"') from the UK in quantities of 2,000 tonnes at a frequency of three times per year through the Port of Esperance. The product would be transported in 1 ton bulka bags. Two ships, each with 2,000 tonnes of NITRAM, have left their ports of loading already: one is delayed in Africa, the other is proceeding to Australia. The ammonium nitrate is needed to fill an Australia-wide shortfall. Esperance is the... Read more...Last updated: August 7, 1990
This proposal involves two types of operation, a resource extraction stage and a product generating phase. The proposal is to mine peat from within the Lake Muir Nature Reserve, east of Manjimup, and to process the material into a range of carbon and other products. The mining would take place within coal mining leases over Tordit-Gurrup Lagoon., Note:, The proposal was withdrawn by the proponent on 7 August 1990. Read more...