From 2009-2010 to 2011-2012, the EPA and OEPA annual reports were combined as much of the information was common to both entities.
From 2009-2010 to 2011-2012, the EPA and OEPA annual reports were combined as much of the information was common to both entities.
From 2009-2010 to 2011-2012, the EPA and OEPA annual reports were combined as much of the information was common to both entities.
Letter to the Minister
General Manager’s overview
About the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority: Our role; The environmental impact assessment process; Subsidiary legislation; Organisational structure - Assessment and Compliance Division, Strategic Policy and Planning Division, Business Operations Division; Performance management framework; Performance analysis and trends; Resource agreement.
Our work
Letter to the Minister
General Manager’s foreword
Executive summary: Our role; Organisation structure; Performance management framework; Resource agreement; Performance analysis and trends.
Agency performance
Executive summary
OVERVIEW: Performance highlights; Operational structure - Assessment and Compliance Division, Strategic Policy and Planning Division, Business Operations Division; Enabling legislation and the role of the OEPA - Enabling legislation, Responsible Minister, The role of the OEPA, Subsidiary legislation; Organisational structure - Our vision, Our purpose; Performance management framework; Changes to Outcome Based Management Framework.
Report on operations