Executive summary
OVERVIEW: Performance highlights; Operational structure - Assessment and Compliance Division, Strategic Policy and Planning Division, Business Operations Division; Enabling legislation and the role of the OEPA - Enabling legislation, Responsible Minister, The role of the OEPA, Subsidiary legislation; Organisational structure - Our vision, Our purpose; Performance management framework; Changes to Outcome Based Management Framework.
Report on operations
Service 1: Environmental impact assessment services to the EPA
Environmental impact assessment of mining proposals; Overview; Case Study - Koodaideri iron ore and infrastructure project; Environmental impact assessment of industrial proposals; Overview; Case Study: Kwinana Waste to Energy Project; Environmental impact assessment of infrastructure proposals; Overview; Case Study - Balla Balla Infrastructure – Rail and Conveyor Project; Environmental impact assessment of planning schemes and scheme amendments; Post assessment - Changes to proposals – Section 45C, Amendment of implementation conditions – Section 46, Minor changes to Implementation Conditions – Section 46C.
Service 2: Environmental management services to the EPA
Policy and guidance; Bilateral Agreement; Perth-Peel strategic assessment; Regulatory framework for shale and tight gas; Memoranda of Understanding; Comprehensive Policy Review Project; New and revised policy and guidance - Environmental Assessment Guidelines, WA Environmental Offsets Guidelines, Strategic advice; WAMSI Dredging Science Node.
Service 3: Compliance monitoring services to the Minister
Compliance and audit activity: Significant proposals audited; Gorgon Gas Development and Associated Jansz Feed Pipeline, Wheatstone LNG Development, Magellan Lead Carbonate Project.
Improving our business
Environmental impact assessment – Reform; Close out letter from the General Manager – feedback from proponents; Environmental assessment guidance for referrals; Public consultation; Information management; Case Management System.
Financial Statements; Notes to the Financial Statements; Key Performance Indicators; Other disclosures; Ministerial directives; Other financial disclosures (TI 903); Pricing policies of services provided; Governance disclosures (TI 903); Contracts with senior officers; Board remuneration; Workers Compensation; Employment and Industrial Relations; Public interest disclosures; Other legal requirements; Expenditure on advertising, market research, polling and direct mail; Disability access and inclusion plan outcomes; Compliance with Public Sector Standards and ethical codes; Government policy requirements
Appendix 1 – Public reports and recommendations to the Minister
Appendix 2 Other EPA and OEPA publications during 2014–15