From 2009-2010 to 2011-2012, the EPA and OEPA annual reports were combined as much of the information was common to both entities.
Letter to the Minister
About this annual report
Message from the Chairman
General Manager’s overview
Part 1: Executive summary covering significant issues: Approvals reforms; Number of assessments; Meeting project timelines and maintaining standards of assessment; Compliance monitoring; Environmental offsets.
Part 2: Relationship between the EPA and OEPA and legislative framework: Subsidiary legislation.
Part 3: Environmental Protection Authority: Attendance at meetings
Provide early strategic advice and guidance
Policy, guidelines and strategic advice - Environmental Protection Bulletin 12 – Swan Bioplan – Peel Regionally Significant Natural Areas; Environmental Protection Bulletin 13 – Guidance for use of the Albany Regional Vegetation Survey; Environmental Protection Guideline No. 7 (Draft) – Marine Dredging Proposals; Fortescue Marsh strategic guidance; Technical Guide – Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna Surveys; Environmental Protection (Kwinana) (Atmospheric Waste) Policy 1999; Environmental Protection (South West Agriculture Zone Wetlands) Policy 1998; Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat) Policy 2002; Review of Cockburn Sound State Environmental Policy; Draft State Environmental (Ambient Air) Policy 2009; Joint EPA-DMP Guidelines on Mine Closure; Forest Management Plan 2004—2013: mid-term audit of performance. Public reports and recommendations
Community engagement - New EPA website and newsletter; Stakeholder Reference Group; Site visits.
Reform business practices to improve certainty, rigour and timeliness
Reform initiatives in 2010—2011 - Administrative Procedures 2010; Environmental Assessment Guideline No. 6 Timelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposals; Statement on Timelines in EPA Reports; Proponent and DMA consultation on draft conditions; Environmental Policies and Guidelines;
Shared Environmental Assessment Knowledge (SEAK) Project.
Part 4: Office of the EPA: Organisational structure; Performance management framework; Performance analysis and trends.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Policies
Mining and industrial - Iron ore; Uranium; Oil and gas; Coal; Other.
Planning and infrastructure - Infrastructure; Planning.
Post approval assessment
Policy development and scientific support - Dredging Science Initiative; Fertiliser initiatives; Review of the National Water Quality Management Strategy Report 4; Government offsets policy; Port Hedland Taskforce; State strategic planning; Hydrocarbon survey of Kimberley Coastline post Montara Oil Spill; Oil Spill response.
Environmental Compliance Audits
Compliance and audit activity
Part 5: Disclosures and legal compliance: Independent Auditor’s Opinion; Financial Statements; Key Performance Indicators; Ministerial directives; Other financial disclosures (TI 903); Governance disclosures (TI 903); Expenditure on advertising, market research, poling and direct mail; Disability Access and inclusion plan outcomes; Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Management Outcomes; Recordkeeping Plans; Compliance with Public Sector Standards and Ethic Codes; Occupational Safety, Health and Injury Management.
Appendix 1: Public reports and recommendations to the Minister for Environment
Appendix 2: Section 45C list of approved changes to proposals
Appendix 3: Other publications
Appendix 4: Acronyms