EPA and OEPA Annual Report 2009-2010

From 2009-2010 to 2011-2012, the EPA and OEPA annual reports were combined as much of the information was common to both entities.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REFORMS: Consultation – Stakeholder Reference Group.
MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental Investigations; Baseline Petroleum Hydrocarbons Survey of the Kimberley; Water Quality; Fertiliser Action Plan; Peel Harvey Water Quality Improvement Plan; Fortescue Marsh; Strategic Advice on the Dawesville to Binningup Area S16(e); Planning for Mine Closure - Proposed Environmental Assessment Guideline; Ministerial Taskforce on Sharing Environmental Assessment Knowledge; Memoranda of Understanding.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSALS - MAJOR PROJECTS: Liquefied Natural Gas - Browse Basin LNG Precinct; Wheatstone Project; Completed Iron Ore Projects 2009/2010 – Pilbara Region - Marandoo Mine Phase 2; Orebody 24/25 Iron Ore Mine; Balmoral South Iron Ore Project ; Roy Hill Iron Ore Mining Project Stage 1; Roy Hill Iron Ore Mining Project Stage 2; Iron Ore Projects currently under assessment – Pilbara Region - Hope Downs 4; Marillana Iron Ore Project; Cape Lambert Magnetite Project; West Pilbara Iron Ore Project; Completed Iron Ore Projects – Yilgarn Region - Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Project-Mt Jackson J1 Deposit; Iron Ore Projects currently under assessment – Yilgarn Region - Carina Iron Ore Project; Parker Range (Mt Caudan) Iron Ore Project; Iron Ore Projects currently under assessment – Midwest Region - Weld Range Iron Ore Project; Jack Hills Mine Expansion Stage 2; Other Mining Projects - Spotted Quoll Nickel Mine; Power Stations - Bluewaters Power Station Expansion ; Coolimba Power Station; Collie Urea Project, Shotts Industrial Park, Shire of Collie and Port of Bunbury; Greehouse Gas Emissions from Major Projects; Ports - Cape Lambert Port B; Albany Port Expansion; Nelson Point Dredging, RGP6 Port Development, Port Hedland; Port Rockingham Marina; Uranium Mining.
LAND DEVELOPMENT/INFRASTRUCTURE: Town of Port Hedland Town Planning Scheme No 5 Amendment 20 - Part Lots 5002 and 5003 Counihan Crescent, Pretty Pool; Shire of Gingin Town Planning Scheme No 8 Amendment 93 – Lots 5243, 9504 and 9505 Perth-Lancelin Road, Lancelin; Shire of Harvey Town Planning Scheme No 1 Amendment 63 – Lots 195, 304 and Part Lot 9003 Lakes Parade, Binningup; The EPA’s role in mitigating the impact from noise and dust in the West End of Port Hedland through land use planning controls.
POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Environmental Protection Policies - Environmental Protection (Kwinana) (Atmospheric Wastes) Policy 1999, Environmental Protection (South West Agricultural Zone Wetlands) Policy 1998, Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat) Policy 2002, Environmental Protection (Goldfields Residential Areas) (Sulfur Dioxide) Policy 2003; State Environmental Policies - State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005, Draft State Environmental (Ambient Air) Policy 2009; Environmental Assessment Guidelines - EAG No1 - Defining a Proposal, EAG No2 - Changes To Proposals After Assessment – Section 45c of the Environmental Protection Act 1986, EAG No3 - Protection of Benthic Primary Producer Habitat in Western Australia’s Marine Environment, EAG No 4 - Towards Outcome-based Conditions (Draft), EAG No 5 - Protecting Marine Turtles from Light Impacts (Draft), EAG No 6 - Timelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposals (Draft); EPA Guidance Statements 8, 14 and 16 (Noise); Environmental Protection Bulletins (EPB) - EPB No 6 - The Natural Values of the Whicher Scarp, EPB No7 - Risk-based Approach to EIA – update, EPB No8 - South West Regional Ecological Linkages, EPB No9 - Risk-based Approach to EIA – Update, EPB No10 - Geraldton Regional Flora and Vegetation Survey, EPB No11 - Consultation on Conditions Recommended by the EPA.
NOISE REGULATION 17 APPLICATIONS: Esperance Port Authority; Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines; Horizon Power; Rio Tinto; Alcoa Wagerup refinery.
DISCLOSURES AND LEGAL COMPLIANCE: EPA Financial Statement; OEPA Financial Statements; Key Performance Indicators; Pricing Policies of Services Provided; Employment and Industrial Relations; Ministerial Directives; Other Financial Disclosures; Governance Disclosures; Other Legal Requirements - EPA Electoral Act 1907 (s175 ZE Disclosure); OEPA Electoral Act 1907 (s175 ZE Disclosure); Disability Access and Inclusion Plan outcomes; Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Management Outcomes; Compliance with Public Sector Standards and Ethical Codes; Recordkeeping Plans (State Records Act 2000, S61, State Records Commission Standards); Government Policy Requirements; Substantive Equality; Occupational Safety and Health and Injury Management.
APPENDIX 1: Environmental Review and Management Programme (ERMP) and Public Environmental Review (PER) Reports
APPENDIX 2: Environmental Protection Statement (EPS) and Assessment on Referral Information (ARI) Reports
APPENDIX 3: Section 16 Strategic Advice Reports
APPENDIX 4: Changes to Conditions - Section 46 Reports
APPENDIX 5: Planning - Section 48A Reports
APPENDIX 6: Noise Regulation 17 Variation Reports
APPENDIX 7: List of Approved Changes to Proposals (section 45C)
APPENDIX 8: Position Statements (For information - none completed 09/10)
APPENDIX 9: Guidance Statements for the Assessment of Environmental Factors (renamed EPA Environmental Assessment Guidelines from 08/09 on see appendix 10 below)
APPENDIX 10: Environmental Assessment Guidelines (Replaces Guidance Statements)
APPENDIX 11: Environmental Protection Bulletins
APPENDIX 12: EPA site visits
APPENDIX 14: Attendance at EPA Meetings
APPENDIX 15: Abbreviations

Published Date: 
September, 2010