Letter to the Minister
General Manager’s foreword
Executive summary: Our role; Organisation structure; Performance management framework; Resource agreement; Performance analysis and trends.
Agency performance
Our work: Environmental impact assessment and policies; Assessment case studies - Mining and industrial: North Star Magnetite Project, Sorby Hills Silver Lead Zinc Mine, Newmont Boddington Gold Life of Mine Expansion Project, Resource Recovery Facility, Red Hill; Infrastructure case studies - Bunbury Port Berth 14A Expansion and Coal Storage and Loading Facility, Roe Highway Extension, Keane Road Strategic Link; Environmental planning - Port Hedland noise and dust, Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1188/57 – Wellard Urban Precinct East; Post approval assessment - Consolidating and reducing duplication in Ministerial statements, Environmental improvement – decommissioning of Kalgoorlie’s Gidgi Gold Roaster; Policy development - Perth-Peel strategic assessment, WA Environmental Offsets Guidelines, State Offsets Register, Review and refinement of environmental assessment policy. EPB 19 - EPA involvement in mine closure, EPB 20 - Protection of naturally vegetated areas through planning and development, EPB 21 - Guidance for Wind Farm Developments, EPB 5 – Guidance for developing inland drainage proposals in the Wheatbelt. EIA reform - EAG 10 – Scoping a proposal, EAG 11 – Recommending environmental conditions; Review of State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005, Bilateral Agreements between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Western Australia, Strategic approach to the regulation of shale and tight gas projects, Aboriginal Heritage. Dredging Science Node of the Western Australian Marine Science Institution. Environmental compliance audits; Compliance and audit activity - Significant proposals audited: Gorgon Gas Development and Associated Jansz Feed Pipeline, Magellan Lead Carbonate Project. Improving our business: Revision of the outcome based management structure of the OEPA; Information management - Case Management System.
Disclosures and legal compliance: Financial Statements; Key Performance Indicators
Appendix 1 Public reports and recommendations to the Minister for Environment
Appendix 2 Section 45C approved changes to proposals
Appendix 3 Other publications
Appendix 4 Acronyms