This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: May 1, 2015
The proposal is for the construction and operation of two nominal 229 Megawatt (208 Megawatt net sent-out) subcritical coal-fired base-load generation plants (i.e. Bluewaters Power Station Phases III and IV) on a site adjacent to the existing Bluewaters Phase I and Phase II generating plants located approximately 4.5 kilometres north-east of Collie. The proposal is further documented in Ministerial Statement 837 and EPA Report 1349 . This assessment deals with a request for a change to the Time... Read more...Last updated: October 2, 2014
The proposal involves the construction and operation of a 40 Megawatt power plant fueled by up to 380,000 tonnes (+/-10%) per annum of, Eucalyptus globulus, (Bluegum) and pine plantation wastes, a pipeline for water supply, and a power line connecting the power plant to the sub-station. Inquiry under s46 in response to a request for extension of timeframe for substantial commencement, condition 3 of Ministerial Statement 791. Read more...Last updated: July 22, 2013
The proposal is to construct and operate a tidal power station across the mouth of Doctor’s Creek, near Derby, for the generation of electricity. The proposal also includes the construction of power lines to distribute power to major centres in the West Kimberley., Note:, This assessment is of a modification to the Derby Tidal Power proposal (previously reported in Bulletin 942 and Bulletin 984). Read more...Last updated: December 10, 2012
The proposal is for the marine component of the Perth Wave Energy Project (PWEP) which involves the installation of five 11 metre diameter CETO (Carnegie's wave energy technology) units 3km south west of Garden Island and laying two pipelines to transfer the energy harnessed by the CETO units to an onshore power generation facility located on Garden Island. Read more...Last updated: October 18, 2012
The proposal is for construction of up to 100 wind turbines each up to 152 metres (m) high, with a capacity of up to 250 Megawatts and all associated infrastructure: electricity transformers; underground cabling; access tracks, all weather access to Garibaldi Willis Road; crane hardstands; a substation compound including a metering building, site office and workshop and a communication mast. The proposal location is 15 km north-east of Warradarge, Shire of Coorow and Shire of Carnamah. Read more...Last updated: October 8, 2012
Horizon Power is proposing to meet an increase in power demand for the Town of Port Hedland generated by economic growth in the region. Construction of South Hedland Power Station was recently approved under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) and a Clearing Permit (Purpose Permit CPS 4049/2) has been issued. The existing Horizon Power transmission line does not have adequate capacity to sustain the expected increase in power supply from South Hedland Power Station; therefore,... Read more...Last updated: May 23, 2011
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has completed its assessment of the application to amend the Environmental Protection (Pinjar Gas Turbine Station Noise Emissions) Approval 2004 made by Verve Energy to the Minister for Environment on 8 February 2011, and which was referred to the EPA for assessment on 11 April 2011. Read more...Last updated: September 17, 2010
The proposal is to construct and operate the Coolimba Power Station on a site located approximately 15 kilometres (km) south-south-west of Eneabba, and to establish an approximately 20 km long and 100 metre (m) wide infrastructure corridor that will accommodate the construction and operation of: a natural gas pipeline lateral to connect the power station to either the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) or the Parmelia Gas Pipeline; and a 330 kV electricity transmission line to... Read more...Last updated: March 13, 2009
The proposal involves the construction and operation of a 40 Megawatt power plant fuelled by up to 380,000 tonnes (+/-10%) per annum of, Eucalyptus globulus, (Bluegum) and pine plantation wastes, a pipeline for water supply, and a power line connecting the power plant to the sub-station. Read more...Last updated: August 9, 2007
The installation of a wet compression system and associated infrastructure within the existing Kemerton Power Station, and the construction of evaporation ponds and a water pipeline to deliver water from an existing offtake located about 4 kilometres to the east. The wet compression system will enable the power station to generate additional power at ambient temperatures above International Standards Organisation conditions by eliminating the sensitivity of the installed gas turbines to ambient... Read more...Last updated: October 19, 2005
Worsley Alumina’s alumina refinery has existing approval for the production of 3.7 million tonnes per anum (Mtpa) of alumina. This proposal is for the construction and operation of a natural gas-fired, co-generation option. The proposal would be implemented in two stages, each consisting of a gas turbine with a nominal generation capacity of 120 MW electrical output and a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) of nominally 210 MW steam output. The facility would be located at the Worsley alumina... Read more...Last updated: October 17, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate a 330MW capacity advanced sub-critical coal-fired power station (known as Collie B) at the Collie Power Station Site, immediately adjacent to the existing ‘Collie A’ Power Station. It will be an advanced sub-critical coal fired base-load generation facility with a nominal generating capacity of up to 330MW. The Collie B Power Station will supply electricity to Western Power for the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) under the SWIS Power Procurement... Read more...Last updated: June 13, 2005
Wesfarmers Energy Limited proposes to construct and operate the 300MW Collie B Power Station on a site directly adjacent to the existing Collie A Power Station and located approximately 10km east-north-east of Collie. It will be a supercritical coal-fired base-load generation facility with a nominal generating capacity of approximately 300MW. The Collie B Power Station will supply electricity to the South West Interconnected System (SWIS). Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2003
The proposal is for a poultry litter fired power station at a site approximately 70 kilometres north of Perth on the Brand Highway near Muchea. The power station would receive poultry litter from farms across the broad Perth region. Delivery would be by covered trucks, which would enter the enclosed litter reception shed and tip onto a concrete floor. A front-end loader would be used to place the litter on to a conveyor which would place it on the stockpile. The trucks would be washed down... Read more...Last updated: May 23, 2003
The proposal is for the construction, operation, and maintainance of a natural gas fired combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant with a nominal generation capacity of 120 megawatts (MW) on a site located at Part Lot 131 Mason Road, on the southwestern corner of Donaldson Road and Burton Place, off Mason Road, Kwinana. The plant will provide approximately 1,045 gigawatt hours (GWhr) of electricity annually into the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) electricity market. Read more...Last updated: March 18, 2003
The proposal is for construction of a natural gas fired cogeneration facility on a 2.5ha site located within Alcoa’s Pinjarra Alumina Refinery. Alinta Cogeneration (Alcoa Pinjarra) Pty Ltd will own the facility and will supply steam to Alcoa for refinery purposes. Alinta Cogeneration (Alcoa Pinjarra) Pty Ltd will sell the power generated to customers within the South-West Interconnected System (SWIS). Alcoa will operate the facility within the framework of the Pinjarra refinery operations. The... Read more...Last updated: July 2, 2002
The construction and operation of a 110 MW gas-fired power station at the Boddington Gold Mine approximately 12 km north-west of Boddington and the construction of a natural gas pipeline to the power station, predominantly along the railway reserve between Pinjarra and Boddington. Read more...Last updated: January 24, 2001
The proposal is for a regional waste processing facility within the Kwinana Heavy Industrial Estate. The site is located on the Swan Coastal Plain approximately 30 kilometres south west of the Perth Central Business District and 3 kilometres north-west of the Town of Kwinana. The site is a large undeveloped piece of land which is adjacent to the British Petroleum (BP) refinery. The nearest residences are located to the north east in Hope Valley (approximately 2.6 kilometres) and to the east in... Read more...Last updated: June 9, 1999
The proposal is to construct and operate a tidal power station across the mouth of Doctor’s Creek, near Derby, for the generation of electricity. The proposal also includes the construction of power lines to distribute power to major centres in the West Kimberley. The proposal was remitted by the Minister for further assessment ( Assessment 1453 ). Read more...Last updated: July 17, 1995
Inquiry under s46 regarding a proposal to increase the generating capacity of the Pinjar station by a nominal 340MW. This increased capacity would be provided through the installation of: a fourth Frame 9 (nominally llOMW) gas turbine, together with; four waste heat boilers and two 115MW steam turbines with associated infrastructure. This proposal will increase the total potential generating capacity of the Pinjar station from a nominal 575MW (7 times 37MW plus 3 times 105MW) to 915MW (575MW... Read more...