ProjectProponent: Western Australia Biomass Pty LtdProposal description: The proposal involves the construction and operation of a 40 Megawatt power plant fuelled by up to 380,000 tonnes (+/-10%) per annum of Eucalyptus globulus (Bluegum) and pine plantation wastes, a pipeline for water supply, and a power line connecting the power plant to the sub-station. Assessment Number: 1707Region: South WestReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Power generationLast updated: March 13, 2009Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewExtract of determination: 1707-ChairDets-291007.pdf (PDF, 20.01 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsDate published: Monday, 29 October, 2007 3. AssessmentEnvironmental ReviewPublic submissions: Monday, 28 January, 2008 to Tuesday, 26 February, 2008Environmental Review documentation: Biomass PER document (PDF, 9.49 MB) Appendices to the PER document (PDF, 13.86 MB)Proponent response to submissions: Response to Submissions (PDF, 2.13 MB) Appendix A - Fifth Estate Fuel Supply report (PDF, 186.64 KB) Appendix B - Correspondence from fuel suppliers (PDF, 1.55 MB) Appendix C - Review of data relating to potential pollution of soil and effects on plants around a proposed biomass power plant (PDF, 1.49 MB) Appendix D - Viticulture report (PDF, 1.1 MB) Appendix Ea - Air Quality Assessment (PDF, 1.64 MB) Appendix Eaa - Revised Air Quality Assessment (PDF, 3.99 MB) Appendix Eb - Katestone review of air quality report (PDF, 78.4 KB) Appendix F - Noise contours (PDF, 273.85 KB) Appendix Ga - Water management (PDF, 1.67 MB) Appendix Gb - Department of Water comments on water management (PDF, 55.33 KB) Appendix Ha - Preliminary health risk assessment of air emissions (PDF, 595.77 KB) Appendix Hb - Department of Health response to health risk assessment (PDF, 28.36 KB) 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1294EPA Report: 40MW Biomass Power Plant, Manjimup (PDF, 1.69 MB)Date published: Monday, 7 July, 2008Appeals close: Monday, 21 July, 2008 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Friday, 13 March, 2009Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 791 (PDF, 60.82 KB) Post-assessment changesSection 46 inquiry: 40MW Biomass Power Plant, Manjimup (s46)