North Kiaka Quartzite Mine

Proposal description: 

Simcoa Operations Pty Ltd is proposing to establish a new quartzite mine approximately 15 km north of Moora, in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia, and 2 km north of the existing mine.

The proposal will include the establishment of an above groundwater mine pit, waste rock landform, infrastructure corridor and associated infrastructure. Quartzite would be trucked to Simcoa’s existing smelter in the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area 17 km north-east of Bunbury. 

It is anticipated the proposal will generate approximately 130,000 tonnes per annum of lump quartz and extend Simcoa’s operations by 18 years. 

The proposal would require the clearing of 17.12 hectares (ha) of native vegetation, within a 44.59 ha disturbance footprint, and a development envelope of approximately 216.42 ha. 

Proposal Content Document: 
Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
April 24, 2024
Current Status: 
Assessment on Proponent Information – public submission period closed
Assessment on Proponent Information – public submission period closed
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