Garden Street Extension, Southern River

Proposal description: 

The City of Gosnells (the Proponent) proposes to extend Garden Street between Harpenden Street and Holmes Street in Southern River, which will involve the construction of an 840 m section of a dual carriageway (two lanes each direction).  

The Proposal is located predominantly within the suburb of Southern River, approximately 17 km south-east of Perth Central Business District (CBD) and intersects within Bush forever site 125 (Holmes Street Bushland). 

The construction and implementation of the Proposal is to rectify road safety hazards and road capacity issues of other distributor roads in the local area. 

The Proposal includes a 2.65ha Development Envelope clearing of no more than 2.04 ha native vegetation, which includes: 

  • 10 individuals of conservation significant flora species (7 Jacksonia gracillima [Priority 3] and 3 Styphelia filifolia [Priority 3]). 

  • 1.59 ha of low to very high quality Black cockatoo foraging habitat; 

  • 1.3 ha of SCP23a Central Banksia attenuata– Banksia menziesii woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain (SCP)  

  • 0.45 ha of remnant vegetation associated with a Conservation Category Wetland 

  • 2.04 ha of Quenda (Isoodon fusciventer) (Priority 4) habitat. 

There may also be potential for short term alteration of groundwater levels should dewatering be required as part of the construction phase of the Proposal. 

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
October 14, 2024
Current Status: 
Report and recommendations in preparation
Report and recommendations in preparation
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