The proponent, BHP Iron Ore Pty, proposes to increase power generation capacity at the existing Yarnima Power Station, approximately 2 kilometres north-west of Newman in the Pilbara. The proposal comprises an increase in installed firm power generation capacity from 154 megawatts up to 239 megawatts via installation of gas reciprocating engines and associated infrastructure. The gas reciprocating engines are proposed to be installed in stages up to a maximum of 120 megawatts (nominal).
Associated infrastructure included in the proposal includes switch rooms, electrical connections, a new gas heater, extension of fuel piping, water supply systems and other auxiliary equipment.
Clearing of native vegetation is not proposed.
The Yarnima Power Station occurs within the Nyiyaparli Native Title Determination Area.
Peak annual greenhouse gas emissions are predicted to be:
Scope 1 (power generation): 480,030 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year (tCO2-e/yr)
Scope 2: NA
Scope 3 (fuel supply): 37,260 tCO2-e/yr.