ProjectProponent: The GM Giacci Family TrustProposal description: GM Giacci Family Trust propose to extract limestone from Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup, in the Shire of Harvey. The limestone would be extracted in seven stages and would involve crushing and screening on site. The proposal would include 26 hectares of disturbance on previously cleared farmland. Proposal Content Document: Proposal Content Document.pdf (PDF, 150.47 KB)Assessment Number: 2300Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: UtilitiesLast updated: March 28, 2024Current Status: EPA Report and Recommendations released - appeals closed 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Limestone Quarry, Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup Comment period: Friday, 9 April, 2021 to Thursday, 15 April, 2021Referral documentation: Third party referral form (PDF, 872.92 KB) Proponent referral form (DOCX, 97.67 KB) Binningup Ambient Air Quality Assessment - Proponent Information.pdf (PDF, 6.67 MB) Binningup CCWA Letter to Minister for Water - Referrer Information.pdf (PDF, 748.25 KB) Binningup Dust Management Plan Ver1 - Proponent Information.pdf (PDF, 1.29 MB) Binningup Noise Assessment RevB - Proponent Information.pdf (PDF, 1.47 MB) Binningup Noise Management Ver3 - Proponent Information.pdf (PDF, 5.68 MB) Binningup Petition Robyn Clarke MLA - Referrer Information.docx (DOCX, 21.96 KB) Binningup Quarry Referral Cover Letter - Referrer Information.pdf (PDF, 177.42 KB) Binningup Statement from Carolyn Bloye - Referrer Information.docx (DOCX, 26.82 KB) Binningup Technical Survey REP 1359 Tdata - Herpetofauna, Avifauna mammals 2009.pdf (PDF, 219.24 KB) Binningup Works and Excavation Plan Ver6 - Proponent Information.pdf (PDF, 2.07 MB) DoW Parkfield Estuary and Coast Nutrient Report 2012 - Referrer Information.pdf (PDF, 1.74 MB) Hansard Bunbury Outer Ring Road Route Recycled Material - Referrer Information.pdf (PDF, 14.48 KB) Yalgorup Plain AProf Margaret Brocx Presentation - Referrer Information.pdf (PDF, 1.58 MB) Yalgorup Plain AProf Margaret Brocx Presentation Notes - Referrer Information.pdf (PDF, 120.28 KB) Yalgorup Plain Geoheritage Values Semeniuk Presentation - Referrer Information.pdf (PDF, 5.93 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Additional Assessment Information (public review)Extract of determination: Limestone Quarry, Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup (PDF, 287.6 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsDate published: Monday, 28 June, 2021 3. AssessmentRequest for further informationDate: Friday, 2 July, 2021File upload: Notice under s40(2)(a) - Limestone Quarry 4 Binningup Rd.pdf (PDF, 159.31 KB) Environmental ReviewPublic submissions: Monday, 31 October, 2022 to Sunday, 13 November, 2022Make a submission: Limestone Quarry, Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup - Additional InformationEnvironmental Review documentation: Accendo Visual Impact Assessment (January 2022).pdf (PDF, 10.72 MB) BTS Human Health Risk Assessment (August 2022).pdf (PDF, 954.28 KB) Lot 4 Binningup Noise Assessment Rev C.pdf (PDF, 3.44 MB) Memo to EPA - Lot 9005 Lakes Parade.pdf (PDF, 35.82 MB)Date Published (Environmental Review documentation): October 31, 2022Proponent response to submissions: 2322_Lot 4 Binningup Rd_Response to Public Submission_v1.pdf (PDF, 3.6 MB)Date published (Proponent response to submissions): January 25, 2024 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1758EPA Report: Lot 4 Binningup Quarry EPA Assessment Report.pdf (PDF, 1.22 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsDate published: Thursday, 7 March, 2024Appeals close: Thursday, 28 March, 2024 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Wednesday, 20 November, 2024Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 1232 (PDF, 564.87 KB)