ProjectProponent: Alkina Holdings Pty LtdProposal description: The proposal involves the construction and use of a landfill and associated infrastructure for receiving Class II and III waste of 150,000 to 250,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) over a period of 20 years. The proposal is located at Allawuna Farm, St Ronans, within the Shire of York. Assessment Number: 2204Region: WheatbeltReferred under EP Act: s43Industry sector: Waste managementLast updated: May 22, 2023Current Status: EPA Report and Recommendations released - appeals closed 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Great Southern LandfillComment period: Wednesday, 10 April, 2019 to Wednesday, 17 April, 2019Referral documentation: Statement of Reasons.pdf (PDF, 522.5 KB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewExtract of determination: Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farm Lots 4869, 5931, 9926 and 26934 Great Southern Highway, St Ronans (PDF, 327.43 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationTerrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersStatement of reasons: A584547-S43-280319.pdf (PDF, 522.5 KB)Date published: Monday, 29 April, 2019 3. AssessmentScopingEnvironmental scoping document: CMS17605 - Final ESD - Approved 290819 (PDF, 1.3 MB)Approved: Thursday, 29 August, 2019 Environmental ReviewPublic submissions: Monday, 6 July, 2020 to Monday, 10 August, 2020Make a submission: Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farm, Great Southern Highway, St RonansEnvironmental Review documentation: Environmental Review Document.pdf (PDF, 17.03 MB) Appendix 1_1_Golder 2017a_Summary of geotechnical information_Part1.pdf (PDF, 9.92 MB) Appendix 1_1_Golder 2017a_Summary of geotechnical information_Part2.pdf (PDF, 9.82 MB) Appendix 1_1_Golder 2017a_Summary of geotechnical information_Part3.pdf (PDF, 9.85 MB) Appendix 1_1_Golder 2017a_Summary of geotechnical information_Part4.pdf (PDF, 9.94 MB) Appendix 1_1_Golder 2017a_Summary of geotechnical information_Part5.pdf (PDF, 9.37 MB) Appendix 1_1_Golder 2017a_Summary of geotechnical information_Part6.pdf (PDF, 3.87 MB) Appendix 1_2_Golder 2017b_GSL-Technical Specification.pdf (PDF, 805.07 KB) Appendix 1_3_Golder 2017c_GSL Design Report.pdf (PDF, 1.18 MB) Appendix 1_4_Golder 2017d_GSL CQA for Cell 1 for Tender.pdf (PDF, 516.16 KB) Appendix 1_5_Golder 2017g Summary of stability_1777197-030-M-Rev0.pdf (PDF, 163.56 KB) Appendix 1_5b_Golder 2017g_Stability assessment_ Attachment B- Addendum to stability assessment_147654033-025.pdf (PDF, 7.92 MB) Appendix 1_5b_Golder 2017g_Summary of stability assessment Attachment A-_147645033-012-R-Rev0.pdf (PDF, 3.52 MB) Appendix 1_6_Golder 2017k_GSL works approval supplementary information.pdf (PDF, 1.4 MB) Appendix 1_7_Golder 2017h_Summary of topsoil handling and sediment management.pdf (PDF, 510.84 KB) Appendix 1_8_EPA 2013_Advice_Regarding_Environmental_Protection_Act_Part_IV_Referral.pdf (PDF, 1.04 MB) Appendix 1_9_SWIPP Hyder_Presentation_24_October.pdf (PDF, 297.41 KB) Appendix 1_10_Golder 2020_Stability assessment of leachate and retention pond and stormwatrer dam.pdf (PDF, 1.39 MB) Appendix (ZIP, 8.18 MB) Appendix (ZIP, 1.73 MB) Appendix (ZIP, 4.9 MB) Appendix 2_4_ DSEWPAC 2013 Advice Regarding Tree Clearing.pdf (PDF, 203.83 KB) Appendix 2_5_DWER 2018 CPS 7656_1 clearing letter and prelim report.pdf (PDF, 2.31 MB) Appendix 2_6_Emerge 2020a_Flora and Vegetation Assessment.pdf (PDF, 7.82 MB) Appendix 2_7_ Emerge 2020b_ Base Feral animal survey.pdf (PDF, 4.73 MB) Appendix 2_8_Emerge 2020c_Black cockatoo habitat assessment.pdf (PDF, 1.21 MB) Appendix 2_9_ENV fauna and flora assessment GSH roadside assessment.pdf (PDF, 6.52 MB) Appendix 2_10_ENV Vegetation_and_Fauna_Assessment_Report.pdf (PDF, 5.71 MB) Appendix 2_11_Golder 2018_Tree survey to support NVCP application_great southern landfill.pdf (PDF, 4.18 MB) Appendix 2_12_ Soil Conservation Notice_Lot 4869.pdf (PDF, 1.73 MB) Appendix 2_13_Golder 2017o_Supporting flora and fauna info.pdf (PDF, 5.74 MB) Appendix 2_14_2013 email Advice regarding Soil Conservation Notice clearing.pdf (PDF, 104.66 KB) Appendix 3_1_Golder 2017e_Hydrogeological site characterisation.pdf (PDF, 22.6 MB) Appendix 3_2_Golder 2017f_ Surface Water Management Review.pdf (PDF, 8.48 MB) Appendix 3_3_Golder 2017j_York proposed Landfill Site - water level gauging and sampling event.pdf (PDF, 3.05 MB) Appendix 3_4_Golder 2019a_Geochemical risk characterisation.pdf (PDF, 320.87 KB) Appendix 3_5_ Golder 2019c_ Inland Waters-hydrogeological conceptualisation and contingency planning.pdf (PDF, 1.75 MB) Appendix 3_6_Golder 2019d_GSL leachate pond sizing.pdf (PDF, 1.52 MB) Appendix 3_7_SRK 2019_Peer Review of Hydrogeo site characterisation and mitigation.pdf (PDF, 247.89 KB) Appendix 4_1_ Golder 2017l_Gas Assessment Review.pdf (PDF, 589.37 KB) Appendix 4_2_Golder 2019b_Landfill GHG assessment.pdf (PDF, 431.31 KB) Appendix 5_1_AHIS_Site 3758_Helena River.pdf (PDF, 1.24 MB) Appendix 5_2_Golder 2017i_Review of Air_Noise_Dust and management plans_Part1.pdf (PDF, 9.93 MB) Appendix 5_2_Golder 2017i_Review of Air_Noise_Dust and management plans_Part2.pdf (PDF, 9.37 MB) Appendix 5_3_Golder 2017m_Summary of Heritage.pdf (PDF, 179.42 KB) Appendix 5_4_Shawmac 2019_Great Southern Landfill_Traffic impact statement.pdf (PDF, 2.36 MB) Appendix 5_5_State Heritage_St Ronan's Well.pdf (PDF, 203.28 KB) Appendix 5_6_Larry Smith allawuna_farm_landfill_-_planning_report_-_nov_2013.pdf (PDF, 12.35 MB) Appendix 5_7_Larry Smith_Allawuna farm landfill supplementary_report_2015.pdf (PDF, 2.1 MB) Appendix 5_8_Golder 2017n_Environment and social risk assesment.pdf (PDF, 288.58 KB) Apeendix 6_1_Alkina 2019a_Great Southern Landfill Site Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 1.4 MB) Appendix 6_2_Alkina 2019b_Feral Animal Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 996.82 KB) Appendix 6_3_Golder 2019e_GSL Rehabilitation.pdf (PDF, 678.44 KB) Appendix 7_1_2019 EPA letter confirming peer review selection Great Southern Landfill - ESD work requirement 40.pdf (PDF, 463.96 KB) Appendix 7_2_DPIRD response relating to landfill biosecurity risk_17 February 2020.pdf (PDF, 932.42 KB) Appendix 7_3_Great Southern Letter_from DWER.pdf (PDF, 456.71 KB) Appendix 7_4_2020 EPA approval for s43A amendment_Feb 2020.pdf (PDF, 1.21 MB) Appendix 7_5_Extract_RAR_Agency_Submissions_Aboriginal Heritage.pdf (PDF, 1.4 MB) Appendix 7_6_MRWA letter relating to GSH intersection upgrade.pdf (PDF, 88.62 KB) Appendix 7_7 GSL Response to EPA comment following DMA Review....pdf (PDF, 276.64 KB) Appendix 7_8_DBCA advice on feral animal exclusion.pdf (PDF, 452.29 KB)Date Published (Environmental Review documentation): July 7, 2020Proponent response to submissions: Alkina response to EPA submissions - GSL_July 2022.pdf (PDF, 973.15 KB)Date published (Proponent response to submissions): July 20, 2022 Change to proposal during assessment under s. 43A s. 43A notice: Notice - Section 43A - Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farms Lots 4869 5391 9926 and 26934.pdf (PDF, 1.44 MB) Statement of Reasons - Section 43A - Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farms (PDF, 732.29 KB)Date of approval s. 43A: Fri, 07/02/2020 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1738EPA Report: EPA Report 1738 - Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farm, Great Southern Hwy, St Ronans- Assessment report.pdf (PDF, 3.13 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationTerrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersDate published: Monday, 22 May, 2023Appeals close: Monday, 12 June, 2023