East Hamersley Railway Project

Proposal description: 

The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd., a subsidiary of Fortescue Metals Group, proposes to construct and operate a railway of 106 kilometres (km) and associated infrastructure. The East Hamersley Railway Project includes communications and signalling infrastructure, an ore loading facility, groundwater abstraction and discharge, borrow pits and quarries, culverts, bridges, diversion drains, pump station, construction camp, landfills and wastewater treatment plants, and other supporting infrastructure.  

The proposal has a development envelope of 31,507 hectare (ha) and a disturbance footprint of 4,837 ha.  

The proposed railway connects the proposed Nyidinghu Iron Ore Mine to the existing Fortescue railway line 14 km north-west of the Cloudbreak mine, crossing Weeli Wolli Creek and the Fortescue Marsh.  

The proposal includes transport, electricity, and water pipeline infrastructure between the Nyidinghu Iron Ore Mine proposal to connect to existing operations.  

The Nyidinghu Iron Ore Mine has also been referred to the Environmental Protection Authority and is being considered concurrently to this proposal. Further information on the Nyidinghu Iron Ore Mine is available here

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
February 13, 2024
Current Status: 
Environmental Scoping Document approved
Environmental Scoping Document approved
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