Dampier Palms - Sand Renourishment Trial

Proposal description: 

City of Karratha are proposing a trial which involves a total of 7,000m3 of sand renourishment at Dampier Palms Beach using clean coarse sand from the Extraction Area, south of Hampton Oval. Placement of the sand will occur on the beachface, mostly between mean sea level and highest astronomical tide, at two sites either side of a minor rock control at Dampier Palms Beach. The renourishment is proposed to occur in two stages, with:

  • An initial trial renourishment of nominally 3,000m³ based on available volumes in the Extraction Area without disturbing vegetation; and
  • A second stage of sand renourishment of nominally 4,000m3 of sand. The requirements for this renourishment should be assessed following completion of the initial trial, including finalising volumes and obtaining clearing permits for potential disturbances to the seaward fringes of dune vegetation if required.

The extraction and placing of sand is anticipated to take 2 weeks.

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
January 11, 2019
Current Status: 
Decision on whether to assess has been published
Decision on whether to assess has been published
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