ProjectProponent: Striker Resources NLProposal description: Striker Resources NL proposes to establish a dry door barge site, laydown area, and access road in a coastal inlet 36 kilometres (km) southeast of Cape Londonderry. The site, known locally as Gumboot Bay, is on Unallocated Crown Land that has been identified for inclusion in the Proposed Cape Londonderry National Park (PNP/215). The proposal also includes 3.6 km of unsealed road to be constructed through the PNP/215. This report provides the Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA's) advice and recommendations to the Minister for the Environment on the environmental factors relevant to the proposal. Assessment Number: 1381Region: KimberleyReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: InfrastructureLast updated: March 8, 2006Current Status: Minister determined that the proposal should not be implemented 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewPreliminary Environmental Factors: PeopleFlora and VegetationDate published: Monday, 18 June, 2001 3. AssessmentEnvironmental ReviewPublic submissions: Monday, 13 May, 2002 to Monday, 10 June, 2002Environmental Review documentation: A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix A.pdf (PDF, 3.15 MB) A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix B.pdf (PDF, 87.57 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix C.pdf (PDF, 166.2 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix D.pdf (PDF, 155.2 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix E.pdf (PDF, 170.62 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix F.pdf (PDF, 483.88 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix G.pdf (PDF, 114.5 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix H.pdf (PDF, 340.85 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Appendix I.pdf (PDF, 219.43 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Figure 1 Location Ashmore Diamond Proj.pdf (PDF, 189.83 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Figure 2 Landuse and Leasing.pdf (PDF, 421 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Figure 3 Gumboot Bay Proposed Infrastructure .pdf (PDF, 40.89 MB) A1381_R1172_PER_Figure 4 Access Road Vegetation Survey.pdf (PDF, 38.87 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Figure 5 Alternative Landing Sites.pdf (PDF, 3.25 MB) A1381_R1172_PER_Master Document.pdf (PDF, 652.75 KB) A1381_R1172_PER_Plates.pdf (PDF, 482.54 KB) 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1172EPA Report: EPA Report 1172 (PDF, 2.72 MB)Key Environmental Factors: PeopleFlora and VegetationDate published: Monday, 23 May, 2005Appeals close: Tuesday, 7 June, 2005