This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: January 22, 2010
The Shire of Busselton proposes to build a road, known as Ford Road, across the Vasse Estuary. The road is currently an unsealed road (track). The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has previously reported on the environmental acceptability of constructing the road ( EPA Bulletin 940 ). In Bulletin 940, the EPA recommended that the proposal not be implemented as the proposal would not meet the EPA's objective in relation to waterbirds. The Shire of Busselton, as proponent, appealed... Read more...Last updated: November 2, 2009
Midland Brick Company Pty Ltd (Midland Brick) referred a proposal to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) on 3 May 2002 to indefinitely extend the time limit of its environmental approval for its clay excavation operation at Hallet and Copley Roads, Upper Swan and to expand the environmental approval to include Lot 19 Copley Road, Lots 19, 45 and 46 St Albans Road and Lot 100 Great Northern Highway, Upper Swan for further clay excavation operations. The new areas to be included in the... Read more...Last updated: October 11, 2009
The proposal is to extend Roe Highway from South Street in Canning Vale to connect to Kwinana Freeway in Leeming over a distance of approximately 4.5 km. The highway is planned as a four-lane dual carriageway (two lanes in each direction), with provision for future upgrading to three lanes in each direction. The land required for any future upgrading will be provided in the median strip. The total footprint of the project area represents 62 hectares (ha). Approximately 53.9 ha of this area will... Read more...Last updated: August 13, 2009
The proposal is to mine the Tutunup South Mineral Sands Project located approximately 15 kilometres southeast of Busselton on Lots 2, 1827 and 1828 and part of Lots 441, 442, 1268, 1813, 1829 and part of Crown Reserve 22455, Hithergreen and part of State Forest 33 Yoganup. Mining is to extend approximately 15 metres below ground level and will require dewatering. Read more...Last updated: December 4, 2008
The construction and operation of a tourism development on Long Island, Wallabi Group, Houtman-Abrolhos Islands, consisting of visitor lodges (maximum of 60 guests), staff accommodation, communal facilities (including day-visitor facilities), boardwalks and gazebos, a swimming pool, deep water jetty, helipad, wastewater treatment plant, desalination plant and other maintenance/service facilities Read more...Last updated: February 7, 2008
Proposal to carry out an onshore 3D seismic survey, 20 kilometres west of Brand Highway, northwest of Cataby in the Shire of Dandaragan, by Empire Oil Company (WA) Limited Read more...Last updated: September 24, 2007
The proposed Peel Deviation project involves the construction of 52.1 km of dual carriageway freeway-standard highway from the future freeway link north of Mandurah to the existing Perth-Bunbury Highway (Old Coast Road) at Lake Clifton. Read more...Last updated: August 9, 2007
The installation of a wet compression system and associated infrastructure within the existing Kemerton Power Station, and the construction of evaporation ponds and a water pipeline to deliver water from an existing offtake located about 4 kilometres to the east. The wet compression system will enable the power station to generate additional power at ambient temperatures above International Standards Organisation conditions by eliminating the sensitivity of the installed gas turbines to ambient... Read more...Last updated: June 6, 2007
The remediation of approximately 17 hectares of land, known as the Helena East Precinct and the Southern Embankment located centrally in the former Railway Workshops area, which includes relocation of contaminated soil to an area immediately east of the Police Operations Support Facility known as the Meat Industry Association Containment Cell. Read more...Last updated: October 31, 2006
The proposal involves the construction and operation of an approximately 2.8 million tonnes per annum mineral sands mine and concentrator plant on part Swan Location 128, 354 & 508, Lot 2; part Swan Location 128 & 340, Lot 3; part Swan Location 128, 354, 355, 506, Lot 9; Swan Location 506; portion of each of Swan Locations 354 & 508, Lot 1 and part Swan Location 511 & 536, Lot 7, near the intersection of Brand Highway and Dewar Road, approximately 2.5 kilometres north-west of... Read more...Last updated: May 25, 2006
The proposal is for residential development on the East Clontarf site, approximately 18ha in size. The site is bounded by Manning Road, Centenary Avenue and the Canning River. It is zoned Urban in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and Residential in the City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme. The foreshore area adjacent to the proposed development is identified for protection as Bush Forever site 333 and reserved for Parks and Recreation in the MRS. Read more...Last updated: December 28, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate a 23-kilometre pipeline from Kwinana Junction, in Kwinana to Hopelands (between Punrak Road and Henderson Road). This proposal is known as the Southern Looping Project, and comprises loop 10. The proponent has also referred a proposal to construct and operate a 194-kilometre pipeline from Compressor Station 1 south of Karratha, to Compressor Station 9, north of Gingin. This proposal, known as the Northern Looping Project , and comprising loops 1 to 9,... Read more...Last updated: November 29, 2005
Kemerton silica sand mining revised proposal - additional mining areas and transfer of land for conservation Read more...Last updated: November 29, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate a pipeline to supply gas to the Kemerton Power Station (located approximately 22km north east of Bunbury nearby the Kemerton Industrial Estate) and to construct a meter station at the power station site. The proposed pipeline would be 5km long and would connect to the DBNGP at MLV 154/155 and then run parallel to the existing DBNGP until it deviates west to supply the Kemerton Power Station. The proposed pipeline would be installed in the existing 16-... Read more...Last updated: October 12, 2005
The proposal is to construct an ammonia–urea plant on the Burrup Peninsula. The plant will have a production capacity of 2300 tonnes/day (t/d) of ammonia and 3500 t/d of urea. The plant and associated infrastructure will be composed of: a natural gas supply pipeline from the North West Shelf Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant (to be located in a multi-user service corridor); ammonia plant; urea plant; fluid bed granulation plant; seawater desalination, treatment and storage; internal power... Read more...Last updated: October 5, 2005
CSBP Limited propose to remediate the former Cresco site in Bayswater. There is up to 280,000 m 3 of contaminated soil present on site. The contamination was caused by the disposal of pyritic wastes or cinders, lead chamber washings, sodium bisulphate, den-scrubber effluent, superphosphate and other building wastes during the site’s history. The cinders, sodium bisulphate and den-scrubber effluent were deposited in excavated pits while the other wastes were disposed of on a more random basis.... Read more...Last updated: June 13, 2005
Wesfarmers Energy Limited proposes to construct and operate the 300MW Collie B Power Station on a site directly adjacent to the existing Collie A Power Station and located approximately 10km east-north-east of Collie. It will be a supercritical coal-fired base-load generation facility with a nominal generating capacity of approximately 300MW. The Collie B Power Station will supply electricity to the South West Interconnected System (SWIS). Read more...Last updated: March 4, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate the South West Metropolitan Railway from Perth to Mandurah. The proposal includes the establishment of rail infrastructure between Perth and Mandurah with the northern section of the line running from the Perth Central Business District to Anketell tunnel via the Kwinana Freeway. South of the Anketell tunnel, the proposed railway passes through the local government areas of the Town of Kwinana, the City of Rockingham and the City of Mandurah, and... Read more...Last updated: September 20, 2004
Proposal to subdivide approximately 89 hectares of land being Lot 502 bounded by North Lake, Phoenix and Sudlow Roads and a rail reserve, for industrial and mixed business purposes. The proponent for the proposal is the Western Australian Land Authority trading as LandCorp (LandCorp). Read more...Last updated: December 4, 2003
The Conservation Commission of Western Australia has prepared through the agency of the Department of Conservation and Land Management, a Proposed Forest Management Plan to apply to the Swan, South West and Warren Regions of the Department of Conservation and Land Management during 2004-2013. This is the EPA's assessment of the environmental factors relating to the proposed plan and the Authority's advice and recommendations to the Minister for Environment. Read more...