CSBP Limited propose to remediate the former Cresco site in Bayswater.
There is up to 280,000 m3 of contaminated soil present on site. The contamination was caused by the disposal of pyritic wastes or cinders, lead chamber washings, sodium bisulphate, den-scrubber effluent, superphosphate and other building wastes during the site’s history. The cinders, sodium bisulphate and den-scrubber effluent were deposited in excavated pits while the other wastes were disposed of on a more random basis. The proposed soil remediation involves the excavation of contaminated soil and disposal to landfill or treatment and reuse.
Groundwater under and down-gradient of the site has become acidic and is contaminated by heavy metals. Contaminated groundwater has moved towards the Swan River, and therefore poses a risk to the river.