ProjectProponent: Warrego Energy Pty LtdProposal description: Warrego Energy Pty Ltd proposes to develop the West Erregulla-2 Exploration Well located approximately 50 kilometres south - east of Dongara. The proposal is a proof of concept (single well). The exploration targets are at depths of 2,000 metres (m) to 5,000m and include geological structures that may yield natural gas. This includes the Dongara tight sandstone which is found below 3,900m and is expected to require hydraulic fracturing. Region: Mid WestReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Oil and gasLast updated: December 7, 2016Current Status: Decision on whether to assess has been published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: West Erregulla 2 Exploration WellComment period: Tuesday, 4 November, 2014 to Monday, 10 November, 2014Referral documentation: Referral Document (PDF, 26.29 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Proposal not to be assessed under Part IV of the EP Act. Advice given (Appealable)Extract of determination: CMS14353 - CD - 190115.pdf (PDF, 272.19 KB)Public advice: CMS14353-WestErugulla-190115.pdf (PDF, 483.01 KB)Date published: Monday, 19 January, 2015