ProjectProponent: Robe River Mining Co. Pty. LtdProposal description: Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd proposes to revise the West Angelas Iron Ore Mine to include mining above and below the water table of Deposit A west and Deposit F, as satellite deposits to the existing operation. The project is located 130 kilometres northwest of Newman in the Pilbara. The proposal includes additional clearing up to 3,223 hectares (ha), an extension of the development envelope of up to 2,750 ha and an increase in abstraction of groundwater of up to 1 gigalitre per annum. Assessment Number: 2046Region: PilbaraReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: InfrastructureIron OreLast updated: August 21, 2015Related EPA Media Statement: Iron ore mine extension recommended for approval - EPA Report 1551Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: West Angelas - Revised Proposal (Deposit A west and Deposit F)Comment period: Friday, 20 March, 2015 to Friday, 27 March, 2015Referral documentation: Referral Document - West Angelas - Revised Proposal (Deposit A West and Deposit F) (Part 1) (PDF, 41.91 MB) Referral Document - West Angelas - Revised Proposal (Deposit A West and Deposit F) (Part 2) (PDF, 23.71 MB) Vegetation and Flora Assessment - Part 1 (PDF, 5.42 MB) Vegetation and Flora Assessment - Part 2 (PDF, 4.98 MB) Vegetation and Flora Assessment - Part 3 (PDF, 2.9 MB) Vegetation and Flora Assessment - Vegetation Mapping (PDF, 19.24 MB) Ghost Bat Assessment (PDF, 3.18 MB) Operations Environmental Management Program (PDF, 2.38 MB) Closure Plan (PDF, 8.66 MB) Subterranean Fauna Assessment (PDF, 4.19 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Assessment on Proponent Information - Category AExtract of determination: Chairman's Determination - West Angelas - Revised Proposal (Deposit A West and Deposit F) (PDF, 144.34 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationDate published: Tuesday, 7 April, 2015 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1551EPA Report: Report 1551 - West Angelas - Revised Proposal (Deposit A West and Deposit F) (PDF, 1.46 MB)Proponent documents: West Angelas Deposit A West and Deposit F Environmental Review (PDF, 8.97 MB) Appendix 1 - Proponent Referral Form (PDF, 398.9 KB) Appendix - 2 Ministerial Statement (PDF, 507.55 KB) Appendix -3 Record of Consultation (PDF, 3.42 MB) Appendix - 4 Vegetation and Flora Assessment (PDF, 32.05 MB) Appendix - 5 Terrestrial Fauna Assesment (PDF, 11.13 MB) Appendix - 6 West Angelas Deposit B and F Ghost Bat Assessment (PDF, 2.73 MB) Appendix - 7 West Angelas Operations Environmental Management Program (PDF, 2.38 MB) Appendix - 8 West Angelas Closure Plan 2015 (PDF, 8.66 MB) Appendix - 9 Subterranean Fauna Assesment (PDF, 1.72 MB) Appendix - 10 Subterranean Fauna Assessment Final Revised (PDF, 907.61 KB)Key Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationDate published: Monday, 22 June, 2015Appeals close: Monday, 6 July, 2015 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Friday, 21 August, 2015Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 1015 - West Angelas - Revised Proposal (Deposit A West and Deposit F) (PDF, 208.41 KB)