Thomsons Lake Urban Development: Revised South Jandakot Drainage Management Plan (s46)

Proposal description: 

The proposal is a revised plan to drain land in South Jandakot east of Thomsons Lake to enable housing development to proceed.

Preparation of an acceptable drainage management plan was a condition of approval for housing development in South Jandakot issued by the Minister for the Environment in 1988 (Ministerial Statement 45).

In May 1989 the Environmental Protection Authority reported on a previous drainage management plan, concluding that the acceptability of the plan had not been demonstrated. The Authority went on to suggest a compromise solution which would allow some houses to be constructed and also ensure that the Jandakot groundwater resource was protected.

The proponent did not support the suggested compromise solution, and has submitted this revised drainage management plan, the main features of which are:

  • a local drainage system within the urban area;
  • a sub-soil pipe drainage system in the low-lying parts of the urban area; and
  • a main drainage pipe from east of Thomsons Lake to Yangebup Lake, and an outlet pipe from Yangebup Lake to Cockburn Sound.

Note: Original proposal is assessment 103.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
April 1, 1990
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