Attachment 1 to Ministerial Statement 964 - Access road extension to the realigned Moonamang Rd. Inclusion of accommodation village. Revision of Figures 1-3. Changes approved under s45C on 20 June 2022.
Attachment 2 to Ministerial Statement 964 - An increase to the development envelope, and realignment of an access road.
• Addition of three new pits, expansion of pits, and increase the maximum pit depth.
• Removal of maximum excavation rate of ore, increase the construction timeframe, removal of maximum mineralised waste materials limit, increase to the storage volume of tailings, and change the tailings storage facility to an integrated waste landform.
• Increase to the dewatering limit.
• Increase to the maximum discharge limit and change the method of excess water disposal.
• Remove the minimum moisture content of ore concentrate.
• Amendment of the introduction of Ministerial Statement 964.
• Amendment of condition 6-1 of Ministerial Statement 964.
• Addition of condition 8 (Aboriginal Cultural Heritage) and condition 9 (Rehabilitation) to Ministerial Statement 964. Changes approved under s45C on 18 December 2024.