The Ridley Magnetite Project (the Proposal) is located approximately 57 km east of Port Hedland. The proposal is located within a 14,181 ha Development Envelope with an indicative disturbance footprint of 7,406 ha. The proposal is for the mining and processing of iron ore to produce 3 Million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of magnetite concentrate for export under Stage 1, with an increase to 16.5 Mtpa under Stage 2.
The proposal includes a single pit (below water table), run-of-mine pad, concentrate stockpiles, laydown areas, waste dumps, desalination plant and pipelines, processing plant, power infrastructure, tailings storage facility and supporting infrastructure including groundwater bores, process water storage ponds/tanks, roads, accommodation camp, administration buildings and communications infrastructure, borrow pits, explosives magazine, fuel storage and landfill.
A services corridor will run to the site from Port Hedland.
Under Stage 1, ore concentrate will be transported by truck to Utah Point in Port Hedland. Under Stage 2, a slurry pipeline will transport product to Port Hedland and a 28 gigalitre per annum desalination plant and solar field will be constructed