Relocation of Herne Hill Quarry Operation (s46)

Proposal description: 

The Red Hill quarry, located at Lot 11 Toodyay Road, Red Hill has been in operation since late 1997. The quarrying operation involves the extraction of hard rock from the West Pit by blasting and/or excavation by wheeled loader. Quarried rock is then transferred to the onsite crushing and screening plant where it is converted into the various products required in the construction of buildings, roads, railways and other infrastructure. The approval of this proposal in 1991 included two quarry pits, the West and East Pits. To date, the proponent has extracted rock from the West Pit only and has not commenced development of the East Pit.

Inquiry under s46 regarding changes to the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 199.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
December 21, 2005
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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