Relocation of Herne Hill quarry operation

Proposal description: 

Existing quarry operations (Pioneer No.1) are located on freehold land owned by Pioneer at Lot 11, Neuman Road, Heme Hill in the Shire of Swan. It is proposed to relocate the operation to a new site (Pioneer No.2), within the freehold property, 1.5 kilometres east of the present site in a valley behind the main ridge of the Darling Scarp.

Pioneer No.2 is expected to be operational within three years of the date that all necessary approvals have been obtained. The new site has at least 100 years of resource.

It is intended that, by moving the quarry operation deeper into the Pioneer landholding, impacts on residential areas from dust, noise, and odours will be reduced, for both existing and future residential development. Pioneer proposes to remove all structures and equipment from Pioneer No.1 and to landscape and complete the rehabilitation of the quarry area. Rehabilitation of the Pioneer No.2 site will be carried out progressively and integrated into the quarry operations.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
November 19, 2012
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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