The proposal is to recommence quarrying at Pivot Hill (M80/618(P) & L80/63(P)). It involves the extraction of up to 45,000 tonnes per year of basalt for use as aggregates in civil works. This would require 4.4 hectares (ha) of clearing of native vegetation in addition to the existing 2.45 hectares of previously disturbed land, within a Mining Lease covering 45 ha. Crushing and screening of aggregates would be undertaken at the site.
The proponent has proposed a duration of 10 years operation, and indicates that further approvals will be sought if the proposal is to continue beyond that time, or if annual volumes are to increase.
The proposal is located in the Parry Lagoons Nature Reserve (the Nature Reserve), a Class C reserve. The Pivot Hill Quarry previously operated prior to the creation of the reserve in 1992. The primary values of this reserve are associated with the Ord River Floodplain Ramsar site.