EPA Report Number:
Key Environmental Factors:
Date published:
Wednesday, 10 December, 2003
Appeals close:
Wednesday, 24 December, 2003
Date of approval:
Wednesday, 3 March, 2004
Ministerial Statement:
s. 45C amendments:
Attachment 1 to Statement 646 - Amendment of Key Proposal Characteristics: Atmospheric emissions from 640 tpa NOx to 780 tpa NOx - change to proposal approved under s45C on 1 July 2008.
Attachment 2 to Statement 646 - Increase in production, bauxite residue generation, emissions of NOx, CO and greenhouse gases; update description of the proposal including the ‘Development Envelope’; correction of a unit error; and removal of elements that are not key proposal characteristics relevant to the environment, managed under other legislation, completed, or not relevant to the proposal - change to proposal approved under s45C on 21 September 2015.
Date of approval s. 45C:
Tuesday, 1 July, 2008
Monday, 21 September, 2015