Onslow Marine Support Base Stage 2 Capital Dredging

Proposal description: 

Onslow Marine Support Base Pty Ltd is proposing to modify and extend the Beadon Creek harbour approach channel, turning basin and berth pocket as part of Stage 2 of the Onslow Marine Support Base (OMSB) proposal.

The proposed capital dredging will enable offshore supply vessels to access the newly constructed OMSB land-backed wharf facility (Stage 1) within the Beadon Creek Maritime Facility.

930,000 cubic metres of dredge material will be disposed of onshore to a 44 hectare Dredge material Management Area (DMMA) adjacent to the Onslow airport. The material is proposed for future reuse to develop and extend the Light Industrial Area in Onslow. Dredge spoil return water will be released to the intertidal flats between the DMMA and the western tributary of Beadon Creek.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
March 6, 2019
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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