ProjectProponent: FMG Iron Bridge (Aust) Pty LtdProposal description: FMG Iron Bridge (Aust) Pty Ltd proposes to extend existing operations at its North Star Magnetite Project, which is subject to Ministerial Statement 993 issued under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. The proposal is located approximately 110km southeast of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposed extension includes increasing the Mining Development Envelope by 1425.9 ha and total clearing by 606.9 ha to support new mine pits (180.7 ha); an extension of the waste rock dump (334.5 ha); and ancillary infrastructure (91.7 ha). Assessment Number: 2353Region: PilbaraReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Iron OreLast updated: April 26, 2024Current Status: Decision on whether to assess has been published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: North Star Magnetite Project ExtensionComment period: Friday, 12 August, 2022 to Thursday, 18 August, 2022Referral documentation: Referral Form (PDF, 394.37 KB) Proposal Content Document - Significant Amendment - North Star Magnetite Project.pdf (PDF, 969.85 KB) DWERDT637030 CMS18243 - Environmental Review Document ERD Rev 0 - July 2022 - North Star Extension Iron Ore Project - FMG Iron Bridge (Aust) Pty Ltd.pdf (PDF, 9.47 MB) Appendix 01_Ministerial Statement 993.pdf (PDF, 10.26 MB) Appendix 02_NSE Flora and Vegetation Survey.pdf (PDF, 6.75 MB) Appendix 03_GlacierValley_VertebrateFauna_Spectrum Ecology.pdf (PDF, 34.97 MB) Appendix 04_650GV-0000-RP-EN-0001 GlacierValley_SRE Invert Fauna.pdf (PDF, 8.5 MB) Appendix 05_Northern Quoll Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 11.24 MB) Appendix 06_P18150-REP-W-005_Rev1.pdf (PDF, 95.67 MB) Appendix 07_P18150-REP-W-006_Rev1_rev.pdf (PDF, 7.11 MB) Appendix 08_P21012 FMG Iron Bridge Aquatic Ecology Baseline Report v1.2.pdf (PDF, 12.42 MB) Appendix 09_662MI-5700-PL-WM-0001_Revised Site 12 MP_Final_signedSM.pdf (PDF, 2.44 MB) Appendix 11_Other Heritage Places -Search Results Report and Map.pdf (PDF, 704.97 KB) Appendix 11_Registered Heritage Places - Search Results Report and Map.pdf (PDF, 692 KB) Appendix 12_12536658_REP-0_IBO North Star Extension Air Quality Assessment.pdf (PDF, 43.94 MB) Appendix 13_NSIO-SF-19001 Lvl1 EIA V0-2.pdf (PDF, 2.91 MB) Appendix 14_100-PR-TA-0001 LUC Procedure.pdf (PDF, 1.42 MB) Appendix 15_NS GHGMP.pdf (PDF, 472.5 KB) Appendix 16 North Star Subterranean Fauna Desktop and Survey Draft Report July 2022.pdf (PDF, 4.4 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Additional Assessment Information (public review)Extract of determination: North Star Magnetite Project Extension (significant amendment to North Star Magnetite Project, Ministerial Statement 993) (PDF, 300.58 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationSubterranean FaunaTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersDate published: Monday, 19 December, 2022 3. AssessmentChange to proposal during assessment under s. 43A s. 43A notice: s. 43A Notice - 260424 (PDF, 1.11 MB)Date of approval s. 43A: Fri, 26/04/2024