ProjectProponent: Reward MineralsProposal description: Reward Minerals propose to develop the Lake Disappointment Potash Project (located approximately 320 km east of Newman). The proposal is to abstract brine from sediments and use solar evaporation ponds on the surface of the lake to create the potash product. The proposal would disturb 7,250 ha of land which includes 437 ha of vegetation, with the remainder of disturbance to the surface of Lake Disappointment. Assessment Number: 2087Region: PilbaraReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: SaltLast updated: June 3, 2020Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Lake Disappointment Potash ProjectComment period: Wednesday, 29 June, 2016 to Tuesday, 5 July, 2016Referral documentation: Referral Document - Lake Disappointment Potash Project (PDF, 2.2 MB) Figure 1 - Tenements (PDF, 2.65 MB) Figure 2 - Lake Arrangement (PDF, 2.49 MB) Figure 3 - Playa Vegetation (PDF, 905.94 KB) Figure 4 - Location Plan (PDF, 2.85 MB) Figure 5 - Layout (PDF, 3.04 MB) Figure 6 - Talawana Clearing (PDF, 1.9 MB) Figure 7 - Martu and Environmental Areas (PDF, 3.14 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewExtract of determination: Chairman's Determination - Lake Disappointment Potash Project (PDF, 141.55 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationSubterranean FaunaTerrestrial FaunaHydrological ProcessesInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Monday, 18 July, 2016 3. AssessmentScopingEnvironmental scoping document: Environmental Scoping Document - Lake Disappointment Potash Project (PDF, 1.01 MB)Approved: Tuesday, 25 October, 2016 Environmental ReviewPublic submissions: Monday, 4 February, 2019 to Monday, 18 March, 2019Make a submission: Lake Disappointment Potash Project - Public Environmental ReviewEnvironmental Review documentation: Environmental Review Document.pdf (PDF, 16.14 MB) Appendix A - Environmental Scoping Document.pdf (PDF, 1.16 MB) Appendix C - Stakeholder consultation register to 31 October 2018.pdf (PDF, 456.1 KB) Appendix D1_Appendix 6-Quadrat Datasheets.pdf (PDF, 1.42 MB) Appendix D1_Appendix 7-Quadrat Photographs.pdf (PDF, 26.77 MB) Appendix D1_Lake Disappointment Level 2 Flora Report FINAL V2.pdf (PDF, 17.17 MB) Appendix D2_Flora and Vegetation Impact Assessment_Lake Disappointment FINAL.pdf (PDF, 16.05 MB) Appendix D3_FINAL Tecticornia Soil Assessment_20170519.pdf (PDF, 2.7 MB) Appendix D4_Botanica_Riparian veg monitoring Final 2015.pdf (PDF, 14.93 MB) Appendix D5_Botanica_Sand dune veg monitoring Final 2015.pdf (PDF, 7.19 MB) Appendix D6_Hydrobiology_GDE spectral data analysis memo 20170815_v4.pdf (PDF, 1.81 MB) Appendix E1 Fauna Impact Assessment - Please contact us for the full document - File too large for upload.pdf (PDF, 390.37 KB) Appendix E2 Night Parrot Survey Report (PDF, 2.57 MB) Appendix E3 Consolidation Report - Short-Range Endemic Invertebrates.pdf (PDF, 1.06 MB) Appendix E4 Fauna Survey Report.pdf (PDF, 9.74 MB) Appendix E5 Conservation Significant Vertebrate Fauna Assessment Talawana Track.pdf (PDF, 1.77 MB) Appendix E6 Aquatic Ecology and Waterbirds Addition Studies.pdf (PDF, 4.32 MB) Appendix E7 Ecological Character of Lake Disappointment.pdf (PDF, 4.61 MB) Appendix E8 Marsupial Mole Monitoring Survey.pdf (PDF, 360.05 KB) Appendix E9 Fauna Survey Access Track and Camp Site.pdf (PDF, 939.66 KB) Appendix F1 Stygofauna Values.pdf (PDF, 2.89 MB) Appendix F2 Subterranean Fauna Desktop Assessment.pdf (PDF, 1.25 MB) Appendix F3 Stygofauna Survey Level 1.pdf (PDF, 1.04 MB) Appendix F4 Subfauna IDs.pdf (PDF, 49.96 KB) Appendix G1 Technical Review July 2018.pdf (PDF, 9.81 MB) Appendix G2 Acis Sulfate Soil Investigation May 2016.pdf (PDF, 11.27 MB) Appendix G3 Riparian Zone Monitoring.pdf (PDF, 940.44 KB) Appendix G4 Brine Sample Locations and Lab Results July & Aug 2016.PDF (PDF, 1.5 MB) Appendix G5 MBO Lab Report and Sample Location Plan Sept2016.pdf (PDF, 1.19 MB) Appendix G6 Lab Results and Map Sediment and Water From Trial Trench April 2018.pdf (PDF, 1.65 MB) Appendix G7 Ecotoxicity Hazard Assessment.pdf (PDF, 821.88 KB) Appendix G8 KP Salt Dissolution.pdf (PDF, 6.86 MB) Appendix G9 Bore field coordinates.pdf (PDF, 794.99 KB) Appendix G9 Bore field water quality_July2017.PDF (PDF, 184.44 KB) Appendix G9 Bore field water quality_June2017.PDF (PDF, 182.38 KB) Appendix G9 Bore field water quality_May2016.pdf (PDF, 738.41 KB) Appendix G9 Bore field water quality_Oct 2016.PDF (PDF, 237.69 KB) Appendix G9 Borefield water quality_November2016.PDF (PDF, 181.71 KB) Appendix G9 Cory bore field water quality summary.pdf (PDF, 416.23 KB) Appendix G9 Field Chemistry Data Northern Borefield.pdf (PDF, 44.96 KB) Appendix G9 Northern bore field water quality summary.pdf (PDF, 417.8 KB) Appendix G10 Pendragon Memorandum Geotechnical Review.pdf (PDF, 1.68 MB) Appendix H Hydrological Investigation.pdf (PDF, 7.51 MB) Appendix H1 Pond Persistence Modelling.pdf (PDF, 345.04 KB) Appendix H2 Hydrobiology Flooding 2017.pdf (PDF, 637.06 KB) Appendix H3 KP Surface Hydrology.pdf (PDF, 7.05 MB) Appendix H4 Pendragon Hydrological Investigation.pdf (PDF, 7.55 MB) Appendix I1 Hydrogeology Review Project.pdf (PDF, 169.58 KB) Appendix I2 Hydrogeological Review Borefields Sept 2018.pdf (PDF, 1.27 MB) Appendix I3 Cory Bore Field Hydrogeological Assessment.pdf (PDF, 5 MB) Appendix I4 Northern Bore Field Hydrogeological Assessment.pdf (PDF, 6.44 MB) Appendix I5 Hydrogeological Assessment Global Groundwater.pdf (PDF, 20.13 MB) Appendix I6 Cory Borefield Groundwater Operating Strategy Jan 2018.pdf (PDF, 5.33 MB) Appendix I7 Northern Borefield Groundwater Operating Strategy March 2018.pdf (PDF, 10.2 MB) Appendix J1 Land Use Agreement RegisterExport.pdf (PDF, 93.06 KB) Appendix J2 Complete Description and Map of the Agreement Area.pdf (PDF, 1.17 MB) Appendix K Mine Closure Plan.pdf (PDF, 13.53 MB) Appendix L1 Reward Environment Policy.pdf (PDF, 364.63 KB) Appendix L2 Potash Project Risk Assessment.pdf (PDF, 190.02 KB) Appendix L3 Stygofauna Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 9.1 MB) Appendix L4 Fauna Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 1.68 MB)Date Published (Environmental Review documentation): February 4, 2019Proponent response to submissions: Lake Disappointment ERD Response to Public Submissions July 2019.pdf (PDF, 1.97 MB) Lake Disappointment ERD further response to agency submissions 10 September 2019.pdf (PDF, 1.14 MB)Date published (Proponent response to submissions): November 27, 2019 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1658EPA Report: EPA Report 1658 - Lake Disappointment Potash Project.pdf (PDF, 3.04 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationSubterranean FaunaTerrestrial FaunaInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Monday, 9 December, 2019Appeals close: Monday, 23 December, 2019 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Wednesday, 3 June, 2020Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 1138 (PDF, 1.57 MB)