Holiday Accommodation Lot 660 La Perouse Court, Goode Beach

Proposal description: 

The proposal is for the development of eco-friendly tourism accommodation including holiday units, a restaurant/function centre, and associated facilities, at Lot 660 La Perouse Court, Goode Beach. 

The proposed development envelope is 7.71 hectares (ha) and includes a 2.23 ha clearing footprint, a 0.402 ha wastewater reticulation zone, and a 5.02 ha conservation area.

The proposal is located approximately 50m west of the Goode Beach foreshore and immediately east of Lake Vancouver, a conservation category wetland. The proposal area may contain habitat for threatened fauna species

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
May 9, 2024
Current Status: 
Assessment has been terminated under s40A of the EP Act
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