Broome Boating Facility

Proposal description: 

The Department of Transport is proposing to construct a safe and accessible boating facility at the existing boat ramp site at Entrance Point, Broome. 

The proposal is located within the existing Port of Broome port limits, approximately 350 metres south-west of the previously assessed Kimberley Marine Offloading Facility.  

The proposal includes construction of a boat ramp, two finger jetties, two groynes, an offshore breakwater and associated terrestrial public amenity infrastructure. Piling works associated with the construction of the marine infrastructure will be for a maximum of 50 days, in daylight hours. 

The proposal footprint is 5.5 hectares, located within a registered Aboriginal site and adjacent to dinosaur footprints. The proposal footprint is surrounded on all sides by the Yawuru Nagulagun / Roebuck Bay Marine Park. 

The proposal could impact on the environmental factors of marine fauna, coastal processes and social surroundings

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
December 1, 2021
Current Status: 
Seven-day public comment period closed
Seven-day public comment period closed
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