Additional facilities for liquefied petroleum gas project within existing onshore treatment plant, Burrup Peninsula

Proposal description: 

The proposal is to establish additional facilities for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) extraction and export within the existing onshore treatment plant at the Burrup Peninsula.

The existing Gas Treatment Plant occupies 231ha on a lease at Withnell Bay, near Dampier on the Burrup Peninsula about 1,300km north of Perth. The area within the lease has undergone major development, with the portions of Plant constructed to date consisting of a domestic gas plant, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant, LNG storage facilities, condensate storage facilities, a ship jetty, ship loading equipment, and administration buildings. The proposal involves the installation of two LPG storage tanks, a chiller unit, fire protection equipment, an auxiliary substation and associated infrastructure within the existing process area and a new ship jetty parallel with, and to the north of, the existing jetty. No extension of the Plant boundary would be required.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
August 24, 1993
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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