Proposed ‘Super Pit’ expansion recommended for environmental approval

Release date: 
February 3, 2025

A proposal to extend the life of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s “Super Pit” has been recommended for approval by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), subject to conditions.

The proposal to mine a cutback of the existing Fimiston Open Pit has been the subject of a two-year environmental impact assessment and four-week public consultation.

Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Pty Ltd (KCGM) wants to expand mine tailings, waste capacity and infrastructure, as well as relocate and modify the existing noise bund.

EPA Chair Darren Walsh said recommended conditions addressed impacts to noise from blasting, and air quality from dust.

“The EPA has recommended that explosives should continue to only be detonated between the hours of 7am and 6pm and that mining operations are not undertaken within 400 metres of a property without consent,” Mr Walsh said. “The proponent would also be required to ensure blasting only occurred at surface level when wind direction favoured the carriage of dust away from residential areas.”

While gold mining activities at the site have been amended multiple times since the original Super Pit approval in 1991, this proposal would extend the mine’s life to 2034.

Mr Walsh said the proposal was located within a brownfields site where existing mining and ore processing operations had been operating near urban areas for more than a century.

“The significant amendment area and changes to mining operations are not expected to significantly change the facade of the existing mine,” he said. “And the proposed partial realignment of the environmental noise bund closer to the South Boulder light industrial area is also not expected to significantly modify visual amenity given these activities are situated south of operations and adjacent to industrial areas.

“As well as modifications to the noise bund, the EPA has recommended the proponent undertake a noise exposure model to inform a future environmental health impact assessment relating to noise impacts from KCGM operations.”

The Fimiston Gold Mine Operations Extension and Mine Closure Planning: Revised Proposal - Fimiston South Project report to the Minister for Environment is now open for a three-week public appeal period, closing 24 February 2025. Appeals should be directed to the Office of the Appeals Convenor. The Minister will make the final decision on the proposal.

EPA Media Contact:; 0434 734 997

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