Attachment 1 - Change to area of Slurry Corridor Development Envelope; additional clearing for an Aerodrome in the Infrastructure Corridor; addition of Aerodrome to elements in the Infrastructure Development Corridor; and change to area of Infrastructure Corridor Development Envelope - changes to proposal under s45C approved on 22 August 2016.
Attachment 2 to Statement 993 - An increase in groundwater abstraction from the Water Corridor Development Envelope from 14 gigalitres per annum (GL/a) up to 20 GL/a, an increase of 6 GL/a, from the current authorised extent. - changes to proposal under s45C approved on 8 March 2019.
Attachment 3 to Statement 993 - Changes:
- Decrease in the size of the Infrastructure Corridor Development Envelope (ICDE) from 5,154 ha to 4,950 ha; and
- Corresponding increase in the Mine Development Envelope (MDE) from 4,970 ha to 5,174 ha.
- Addition of water return pipeline to elements in the Slurry Corridor Development Envelope (SCDE) and ICDE.
- Addition of ‘associated infrastructure’ to elements in the ICDE.
- Correction of the wording ‘transmission pipelines’ with ‘transmission lines’ to elements in the ICDE listed in Table 2.
- Administrative change to the title of the ICDE within Table 2 from Infrastructure Development Corridor to Infrastructure Corridor Development Envelope.
Changes to proposal under s45C approved on 2 December 2019.
Attachment 4 to Statement 993 - Changes:
- Increase in the Infrastructure Corridor Development Envelope (Infrastructure Corridor DE), to allow for revised access to the aerodrome (from 4,950 ha to 5,226 ha);
- Increase in the Water Corridor Development Envelope (Water Corridor DE), to allow the change in location of groundwater abstraction and water monitoring infrastructure (from 28,696 ha to 31,126 ha);
- Increase in the Slurry Corridor Development Envelope (Slurry Corridor DE), to allow for the revised pipeline alignment that enters the port area on the western side of FMG rail infrastructure, and to widen the envelope around heritage sites (from 2,781 ha to 3,314 ha); and
- Increase in the Mine Development Envelope (Mine DE) (from 5,174 ha to 5, 276 ha), to allow the accommodation of the toe of the rock walls for the tailing storage facility (TSF) and access tracks required to the TSF. The design batter angle currently pushes the toe outside the north eastern boundary. The boundary has been adjusted north and east of the TSF.
- Addition of dewatering of 4.5 Gigalitres per annum (GL/a) below the water table from the mine pit within the Mine Development Envelope (Mining DE) to ensure that the pit is dry during operation.
Changes to proposal under s45C approved on 22 September 2020.
Attachment 5 to Statement 993 - Increase in the clearing permitted within the Slurry Corridor Development Envelope (SCDE) from no more than 315 hectares (ha) to 435 ha. - change to proposal under s45C approved on 24 December 2021.